Natuzza Evolo talks about Purgatory and reveals how it is ...


When people asked her to have messages or answers to their questions from their deceased, Natuzza always replied that their desire did not depend on her, but only on God's permission and invited them to pray to the Lord so that this their wishful thinking was granted. The result was that some people received messages from their dead, and others were not answered, while Natuzza would have liked to please everyone. However, the guardian angel always informed her if such souls in the afterlife more or less needed suffrages and holy Masses.

In the history of Catholic spirituality apparitions of souls from Heaven, Purgatory and sometimes even from Hell have taken place in the lives of numerous mystics and canonized saints. As far as Purgatory is concerned, among the numerous mystics, we can mention: St. Gregory the Great, from which the practice of the Masses celebrated below for a month, called "Gregorian Masses", is derived; St. Geltrude, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Margaret of Cortona, St. Brigida, St. Veronica Giuliani and, closer to us, also St. Gemma Galgani, St. Faustina Kowalska, Teresa Newmann, Maria Valtorta, Teresa Musco, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, Edwige Carboni, Maria Simma and many others.

It is interesting to underline that while for these mystics the apparitions of the souls of Purgatory had the aim of increasing their own faith and spurring them to greater prayers of suffrage and penance, so to hasten their entry into Paradise, in the case of Natuzza, instead, obviously, in addition to all this, this charisma has been granted to her by God for a broad activity of consolation of the Catholic people and in a historical period in which, in catechesis and homiletics, the theme Purgatory is almost completely absent, to strengthen in Christians the faith in the survival of the soul after death and in the commitment that the militant Church must offer in favor of the suffering Church.

The dead confirmed to Natuzza the existence of Purgatory, Heaven and Hell, to which they were sent after death, as a reward or punishment for their conduct of life.

Natuzza, with his visions, confirmed the pluri-millennial teaching of Catholicism, that is that immediately after death, the soul of the deceased is led by the guardian angel, in the sight of God and is perfectly judged in all the smallest details of his existence. Those who were sent to Purgatory always requested, through Natuzza, prayers, alms, suffrages and especially Holy Masses so that their penalties were shortened.

According to Natuzza, Purgatory is not a particular place, but an inner state of the soul, who does penance "in the same earthly places where he lived and sinned", therefore also in the same houses inhabited during life. Sometimes souls make their Purgatory even inside churches, when the phase of greatest expiation has been overcome.

The sufferings of Purgatory, although alleviated by the comfort of the guardian angel, can be very harsh. As evidence of this, a singular episode happened to Natuzza: she once saw a deceased and asked him where he was. The dead man replied that he was in the flames of Purgatory, but Natuzza, seeing him serene and calm, observed that, judging by his appearance, this did not have to be true. The purging soul reiterated that the flames of Purgatory carried them wherever they went. As he uttered these words she saw him enveloped in flames. Believing that it was his hallucination, Natuzza approached him, but was hit by the heat of the flames which caused her an annoying burn to the throat and mouth that prevented her from feeding normally for forty days and was forced to seek treatment Dr. Giuseppe Domenico valente, doctor of Paravati.

Natuzza has met numerous souls both illustrious and unknown. She who always said she was ignorant also met Dante Alighieri, who revealed that she had served three hundred years of Purgatory, before being able to enter Heaven, because although she had composed the songs of the Comedy under divine inspiration, unfortunately she had given space, in his heart, to his personal likes and dislikes, in awarding the prizes and penalties: hence the punishment of three hundred years of Purgatory, however spent at the Prato Verde, without suffering any other suffering than that of the lack of God. Numerous testimonies have been collected on the meetings between Natuzza and the souls of the suffering Church.