Do not postpone prayer: five steps to start or start over

Nobody has a perfect prayer life. But starting or restarting your prayer life is desirable when you consider how eager God is to share a loving relationship with you. Like most new activities, such as an exercise program, it is very helpful to keep prayer simple and practical. It is helpful to set some prayer goals for connecting with God that are well within your reach.

Five steps to start - or start over - in prayer:

Decide where and when you will pray. While it is possible to pray anywhere and anytime, it is best to schedule a specific time and place to pray. Start with five or 10 minutes with God - and God alone - as your main prayer time. Choose a relatively quiet place where you can be alone and are unlikely to be interrupted. Think of this prayer time as the main meal you will have with God. Of course, you can have many spontaneous meals or snacks throughout the day or week, but your main prayer meals are the ones you reserve.

Assume a relaxed but alert prayer posture. Just as you pay attention to your posture during a job interview or when applying for a bank loan, we sometimes forget to do so when we pray. Let your body befriend you in prayer. Try one of these: Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor. Place your open hand on your thighs or fold your hands freely in your lap. Or you can try lying on the bed or kneeling on the floor.

Spend some time slowing down and calming down in preparation for prayer. Let your mind clear of all the activities on your schedule. It is not easy to do, but with practice you will improve. One way to do this is to take 10 or more soothing and cleansing breaths. Your goal is not to become thoughtless, but to reduce the distractions of so many thoughts.

Pray an intentional prayer. Tell God you intend to spend the next five or ten minutes in a devoted friendship. Loving God, the next five minutes are yours. I want to be with you yet I am so restless and easily distracted. Help me pray. Over time you will likely have a desire to increase your prayer time, and you will find that as you make it a priority in your life, you will carve out time for longer prayer periods.

Pray any way you want. You could just repeat your prayer phrase over and over and enjoy your peaceful time with God. Or you could pray about the content of your day and the plans you have for tomorrow. You might express gratitude, ask for forgiveness, or seek God's help with a difficult problem or relationship. You can choose a prayer that you know by heart, such as the Lord's Prayer or the XNUMXrd psalm. You could be praying for someone else or just being with God in silent love. Trust that the Spirit of God is with you and help you pray in ways that work best for you and the Father. Make sure you take the time to listen to God's side of the conversation.