“Don't you want to get vaccinated? You cannot read in the Church ”, the decision of a priest

Are you a parishioner and are you a convinced no Vax?

So, don't read the readings in church, sing into the microphone or serve mass.

“For heaven's sake - he said Don Massimiliano Moretti, parish priest of Santa Zita in Genoa and labor chaplain - as long as the state allows it, everyone is free to do what they want. But out of respect for everyone's health, I ask that from now on those who are not vaccinated avoid being readers in masses or singing and praying using microphones ”.

And again: "Everyone is free to do what he wants but the parish has the duty to establish rules to protect everyone's health".

The pastoral-pandemic message was anticipated by the XNUMXth century. In the interview with the Genoese newspaper, Father Moretti added: “If it were up to me everyone should get vaccinated out of respect for others. The vaccine is not an act of selfishness but of altruism, a way to safeguard the health of those around us. Having said that, I can only respect the laws and not impose absolute prohibitions, but I can certainly avoid the wrong behavior of those who do not want to get vaccinated from putting others at risk ”.

The initiative was publicly appreciated, given that the decision was published by the priest on social media.

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