Adorable heart of Jesus, my sweet life, in my present needs I resort to you and I entrust to your power, your wisdom, your goodness, all the sufferings of my heart, repeating a thousand times:
"O Most Sacred Heart, source of love, think about my present needs".

Glory to the Father
Heart of Jesus, I join you in your intimate union with Heavenly Father.

My beloved heart of Jesus, ocean of mercy, I turn to you for help in my present needs and with full abandonment I entrust your power, your wisdom, your goodness,
the tribulation that oppresses me, repeating a thousand times:
"O very tender Heart, my only treasure, think about my present needs".

Glory to the Father
Heart of Jesus, I join you in your intimate union with Heavenly Father.

Very loving heart of Jesus, delight of those who invoke you!
In the helplessness in which I find myself I resort to you, sweet comfort of the troubled and entrust to your power,
to your wisdom, to your goodness, all my pains and I repeat a thousand times:
"O most generous Heart, the unique rest of those who hope in you, think about my present needs".

Glory to the Father
Heart of Jesus, I join you in your intimate union with Heavenly Father.

O Mary, mediator of all graces, your word will save me from my present difficulties.
Say this word, O Mother of mercy and obtain for me the grace (to expose the grace you want) from the heart of Jesus.

Ave Maria