Novena of Giaculatorie to obtain any grace

There are 33 ejaculations to pray each 33 times in honor of the Lord's 33 years of life. Like Jesus, in his Mercy, when there was a need for bread, he multiplied the bread, now that there is a need for prayer, because evil spreads, it will also multiply the power of prayer, if done with faith. The novenas of ejaculation have proved particularly effective in obtaining any grace, provided it is convenient for the soul.


START: I think ..., Our Father ..., Ave Maria ..., Glory ...

An ejaculatory is chosen and repeated 33 times. (for nine consecutive days)

You can do novenas with multiple ejaculatory services until you get to pray to them all 33 33 times. (for nine consecutive days)


Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who turn to you.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Holy Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, save us.
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, protect us.
Let the light of Your Face shine upon us, O Lord.
Stay with us, sir.
My mother, trust and hope, in you I entrust and abandon myself.
Jesus, Maria, I love you! Save all souls.
The cross be my light.
St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church, guard our families.
Come, Lord Jesus.
Baby Jesus forgive me, baby Jesus bless me.
SS. but Providence of God, provide us in the present needs.
Blood and Water that flow from the Heart of Jesus, as a source of mercy for us, I trust in You.
My God, I love you and thank you.
O Jesus, King of all Nations, Your Kingdom be recognized on earth.
St. Michael the Archangel, protector of the Kingdom of Christ on earth, protect us.
Have mercy on me, Lord have mercy on me.
May Jesus be praised and thanked every moment in the Blessed Sacrament.
Come, Holy Spirit and renew the face of the earth.
Saints and Saints of God, show us the way of the Gospel.
Holy Souls of Purgatory, intercede for us.
Lord, pour out on the whole world the treasures of Your infinite Mercy.
I adore you, Lord Jesus and I bless you, because through Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the whole world.
My Father, good Father, I offer myself to You, I give myself to You.
Or Jesus save me, for love of the Tears of Your Holy Mother.
Thy Kingdom come, Lord and Thy Will be done.
O God, Savior Crucified, inflame me with love, faith and courage for the salvation of the brothers.
God, forgive our sins, heal our wounds and renew our hearts, so that we can be one in you.
Holy guardian angels keep us from all the dangers of the evil one.
Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
May the God of all consolation place our days in His peace and grant us the Love of the Holy Spirit.
Eternal Father, I offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus, in union with all the Holy Masses celebrated today in the world, for all the Holy souls of Purgatory, for sinners from all over the world, the Universal Church, my home and mine. family. Amen.