Novena to God the Father with invocation of the nine angelic choirs to obtain an important grace


Pray for nine consecutive days

O Most Holy Father, almighty and merciful God, humbly prostrated before you, I adore you with all my heart. But who am I because you dare even raise my voice to you? O God, my God ... I am your least creature, made infinitely unworthy for my countless sins. But I know that you love me infinitely. Ah, it's true; you created me as I am, drawing me out of nothing, with infinite goodness; and it is also true that you gave your Divine Son Jesus to the death of the cross for me; and it is true that with him you then gave me the Holy Spirit, so that he would cry out inside me with unspeakable moans, and give me the security of being adopted by you in your son, and the confidence of calling you: Father! and now you are preparing, eternal and immense, my happiness in heaven. But it is also true that through the mouth of your Son Jesus himself, you wanted to assure me with royal magnanity, that whatever I asked you in his Name, you would have granted it to me. Now, my Father, for your infinite goodness and mercy, in the Name of Jesus, in the Name of Jesus ... I ask you first of all the good spirit, the spirit of your Only Begotten Himself, so that I can call me and truly be your son , and to call you more worthily: My Father! ... and then I ask you for a special grace (the grace we humbly ask Our Lord is exposed). Accept me, good Father, in the number of your beloved children; grant that I too love you more and more, that you work for the sanctification of your Name, and then come to praise you and thank you forever in heaven.

O most amiable Father, in the name of Jesus hear us.
O most amiable Father, in the name of Jesus hear us.
O most amiable Father, in the name of Jesus hear us.

O Mary, first Daughter of God, pray for us.

At this point we recite a Our Father, an Ave Maria, the Invocations to the nine Choirs of the Angels

Our father :
Our Father, who art in heaven, may your name be sanctified, your Kingdom come, your will be done, as in heaven as it is on earth. Give us our daily bread today, forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Ave Maria :
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, you are blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

We pray you, Lord, grant us to always have the fear and love of your holy Name, for you will never take away your loving care from those you choose to confirm in your love. For Christ our Lord. Amen.


I - O Most Holy Angels, Most pure creatures, Most noble spirits, Nuncios and Ministers of the Supreme King of glory and most faithful executors of his commands, please purify my prayers and by offering them to the Majesty of the Most High let them breathe a sweet smell of Faith, of Hope and Charity.

Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always in the centuries, in the centuries. Amen.

II - O most faithful Archangels, Captains of the celestial militia, obtain for me the light of the Holy Spirit, instruct me in the divine mysteries and fortify me against the common enemy.

Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always in the centuries, in the centuries. Amen.

III - O sublime Principalities, Governors of the world, govern my soul in this way, so that my soul may never be dominated by the senses.

Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always in the centuries, in the centuries. Amen.

IV - O most invited Powers, stop the evil one when he attacks me and keep him away from me, so that you do not distance me from God.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always in the centuries, in the centuries. Amen.

V - O most powerful Virtues, fortify my spirit, so that full of your value you may advance in the conquest of every virtue and resist any infernal assault.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always in the centuries, in the centuries. Amen.

VI - O most blissful Dominations, obtain for me a perfect dominion of myself and a holy strength, so that I will be able to immediately remove everything that displeases God.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always in the centuries, in the centuries. Amen.

VII - O stable thrones, teach my soul true humility, so that it may become the home of that Lord who resides benignly in the least.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always in the centuries, in the centuries. Amen.

VIII - O most wise Cherubim, absorbed in divine contemplation, make me know my misery and the greatness of the Lord.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always in the centuries, in the centuries. Amen.

IX - O most ardent Seraphim, light my heart with your fire, because you love only the One whom you love incessantly.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always in the centuries, in the centuries. Amen.

To the nine choirs of the Angels

Most Holy Angels, watch over us, everywhere and always. Most noble archangels, present our prayers and sacrifices to God. Heavenly virtues, give us strength and courage in the trials of life. Powers of the High, defend us against visible and invisible enemies. Sovereign principalities, govern our souls and our bodies. High dominations, reigned more over our humanity. Supreme thrones, get us peace. Cherubs full of zeal, dispel all our darkness. Seraphim full of love, inflame us with ardent love for the Lord. Amen