Novena of Grace to Saint Francis Xavier very effective for obtaining a sure grace

On the night between 3 and 4 January 1634 San Francesco Saverio appeared to P. Mastrilli S. who was ill. He healed him instantly and promised him that who, confessed and communicated for 9 days, from 4 to 12 March (day of the saint's canonization), would have implored his intercession would infallibly feel the effects of his protection. Here is the origin of the novena which then spread all over the world. Saint Teresa of Jesus child after making the novena (1896), a few months before dying, said: “I asked for the grace to do good after my death, and now I am sure I have been fulfilled, because by means of this novena you get everything you want. " You can do it whenever you want, some people even recite it 9 times a day.

O most beloved St. Francis Xavier, with you I adore God our Lord, thanking him for the great gifts of grace that he granted you during your life, and for the glory with which he crowned you in Heaven.

I beg you with all my heart to intercede for me with the Lord, so that first of all he will give me the grace to live and die holy, and grant me the particular grace ……. that I need right now, as long as it is according to His will and greater glory. Amen.

- Our Father - Ave Maria - Gloria.

- Pray for us, St. Francis Xavier.

- And we'll be worthy of Christ's promises.

Let us pray: O God, who with the apostolic preaching of St. Francis Xavier have called many peoples of the East in the light of the Gospel, ensure that every Christian has his missionary fervor, so that the Holy Church may rejoice over the whole earth sons. For Christ our Lord. Amen.