Very powerful novena to ask for a grace much hated by the devil

O God, come to my aid. Lord, hurry up to help me. Glory to the Father, etc.

All beautiful you are, O Mary, and the original stain is not in You ».

Beautiful, and without any stain, you are very pure, Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, Empress of Angels, Lady of the world, and Mother of God, for this I honor you, and I greet you, and be blessed forever.

Blessed be your head full of heavenly wisdom; blessed be your hair, which shows the beautiful thoughts of your holy mind; blessed be your most graceful eyes, with which you first saw the true Son of God; blessed be your cheeks, which were touched and kissed by Jesus, Son of God; blessed be your SS, but lin-gua, who deserved, the first, after the Angel to name the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Hand blessed your ears, which deserved, the first, from the mouth of the Angel to hear the Most Holy named Name of Jesus; blessed be your neck which was surrounded and tightened several times by the tender arms of the baby Jesus; bless your breasts, which deserved to be sucked by the divine lips of the Child Jesus; blessed be your womb, to whom you held the most sweet Jesus several times; blessed be your arms, which clasped and carried the sweetest Jesus; blessed be your feet, which many steps they took for the love of Jesus; may your pure and virginal womb be well-said, who deserved to bring Jesus, the most high Son of God; blessed be your bowels, which for nine months were sanctified by the presence of Jesus.

O Maria, o Maria, I appeal to you; You invoke, Most Holy Virgin Mary; help me, sweetest Mother of God; help me, Empress of Paradise; help me, most pious Mother and advocate of sinners, and in particular my advocate, help me more than all the most vile sinner; help me, Mother of My sweetest Jesus. And how can you better move your heart and force yourself to impetrate what I am asking you, than to show you (as I intend to do) the Crucifix your Son, and point out his saints wounds, tell you about his pains, tell you about his pains, show you the crown that surrounded his divine head, the scourges that tore off his innocent body, the nails that stuck his hands and feet, the veil with which it was veiled, the gall with which it was watered, the spear with which the chest was opened after he died in your presence, o Maria? And who wants from you in the same Heaven, in what way can he get it better, than to avert you (as I intend to do) for the beatings, for the spit, the blasphemies, reproaches, insults, ridicule and villains, who suffered for us your sweet Son Jesus? So if there is something that is asked of you by virtue of the Passion of Jesus Christ, that is not obtained from you with faith, I pray, and I want by virtue of the Passion of Jesus, that you grant me the grace that I am to ask you; and especially I want it for the living Blood, which scattered for us on the Cross in your presence; I want it for that precious Blood that you saw him run down his eyes and his delicate face; yes, for that most holy Blood, grant it to me, you cannot deny it to me; answer me, Virgin Mary, that I pray to you, and I implore you for that living Blood; nor will I ever cease to cry to you, until it is heard: O Mother of Mercy, I am more than sure of obtaining this grace from you, although great, while I ask you for the infinite value of the Precious Blood of your Divine and beloved Son Jesus : with this confidence in my heart I am going to ask you, asking you to answer me.

(Here you will ask for the grace you desire, then you will say as follows).

1. I ask you, Holy Mother, for that pure one; innocent, and blessed San-gue that Jesus, your Son, poured and scattered in that tender age of only eight days, in his. circumcision. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for your wounds, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

2. I ask you, O Most Holy Mary, for that pure, innocent and blessed Saint-gue that Jesus, your Son, poured out in abbon-dance from all his SS. Body, and in particular from the divine face in the garden's garden, and that falling down his clothes sprinkled the earth, the stones, and the grass of that too happy and lucky garden. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for your wounds, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

3. I pray you, Most Holy Mary, for that pure, innocent and blessed San-gaie that Jesus, your Son, poured out and scattered all the way, when from the Garden he was brought tied up in Jerusalem to the house of the Pontiffs. Ave Maria, etc.,

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for your wounds, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit ..

4. I implore you, Most Holy Mary, for that pure, innocent and blessed Saint-gue that Jesus, your Son, poured and scattered, when he was struck in the cheek, and when in the house of Caiaphas, wicked bridge-fig, was all night cowardly treated, beaten and scourged. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for your wounds, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

5. I beg you and I beg you, Most Holy Mother, for that pure, innocent, and blessed Blood that Jesus, your Son, poured from all over, when he was brought as a criminal from Caiaphas to Pilate, from Pilate to Herod, and from Herod to Pilate. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for your wounds, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

6. Obtain for me, Most Holy Mary, for that pure, innocent, and blessed San-gue that Jesus, your Son, poured out and scattered in abundance, when he was stripped, tied to the column and bitterly scourged. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for the wounds and the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

7. Console me, Most Holy Mother, for that pure, innocent, and blessed Saint-gue that Jesus, your Son, poured out and scattered from his Most Holy. Body, flowing down from his Eyes and by the Face, when he was girded and crowned with pungent thorns. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for your wounds, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

8. I ask you, Most Holy Mary, for that pure, innocent, and blessed Blood that Jesus, your Son, shed and scattered from all His Most Holy Body in the Court, Praetorium, and seat of Pilate's Palace, when he was condemned to be crucified. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for your wounds, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

9. I ask you, Most Holy Mary, for that pure, innocent, and blessed Saint-gue that Jesus, your Son, poured out and. scattered all the way, when they led him to Calvary under the great Cross, and especially for that living Blood mixed with your tears that you shed, when seeing him in that form, and remaining oppressed by great pain, disconsolate, and afflicted . ta accompanied her to Calvary. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for your wounds, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

10. I pray you, Most Holy Mary, for that pure, innocent, and blessed Saint-gue that Jesus, your Son, poured out and scattered from all his Most Holy Body,

when he was stripped to be placed on the Cross, then renewing all his pious. ghe, and keystrokes. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for the fe. rite, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

11. I implore you, Most Holy Mary, for that pure, innocent, and blessed Saint-gue that Jesus, your Son, poured out and scattered from his most holy hands and feet, when he was stuck on the Cross with hard and pungent nails. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for your wounds, and for the drops of that * Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

12. I beg you, Most Holy Mary, for that pure, innocent, and blessed Saint-gue that Jesus, your Son, poured out and scattered throughout the holy wood of the Cross, when he was raised high above the same. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for your wounds, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

13. Obtain Mary Most Holy for that pure, innocent and blessed Saint. gue that Jesus, your Son, poured and scattered over your most holy mantle, while you oppressed by the pain you stood at the foot of your Crucified Jesus. Hail Mary, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for your wounds, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

14. Intercedetemi, Most Holy Mary, for that pure, innocent, and blessed Saint-gue that Jesus, your Son, poured and scattered over the clothes of St. John the Evan-gelista, and the Magdalene, who wept stood at the feet of the Crucified their Master. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for your wounds, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.

15. Hear me, most pure Virgin and Mother, Mary, for that pure, innocent, and blessed Blood that Jesus, your Son, shed and scattered throughout his life and Passion and, especially grant me for that sweet, sacred and holy Blood and water, which poured out his sacred saint Costato, when from the cruel merciless Lancia, until after he was dead he was wounded, and his chest was opened wide. For that very pure blood, grant me, O merciful Virgin Mary, the grace that I ask of you; get it for me, because I beg you, I beg you, and I implore you for the sweet Blood of Jesus, your Son; and for that Most Precious Blood, which I deeply venerate and adore, grant me merciful Virgin Mary, Amen. Ave Maria, etc.

O Virgin Mary, I pray you for the wounds, and for the drops of that Blood that poured from Jesus, of infinite merit.