Novena to San Michele to start today to ask for a grace

DAY 1: Power of Archangel Michael in Charity.

Archangel Saint Michael, my heart fills me with joy considering the abundance of Divine Grace with which the almighty hand of the Father has given you a gift and I ask you to obtain the grace of sincere repentance and final perseverance from the Father. Powerful prince of angels, pray for me, ask the Lord for forgiveness of my sins. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

DAY 2: Power of Archangel Michael in cooperating with divine grace.

Glory to the Father, I believe, Invocations to the Holy Spirit

Archangel Saint Michael, faithful servant of God, I praise you and bless the Divine Goodness for the gift he gave you by adding such prompt and heroic cooperation to many graces. But since in my human weakness I have been negligent in pursuing the path of my conversion and I have often been unfaithful to the will of God: I beg you to help me understand my mistakes and to pray for the Father for me, so that you forgive me and do not tire never to renew his trust and grant me his grace. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

DAY 3: Power of Archangel Michael in Glory.

Glory to the Father, I believe, Invocations to the Holy Spirit

Glorious and powerful prince of Paradise, Archangel Saint Miechele, you who are so close to the throne of God, look with love on this poor sinner who humbly invokes to pray to the Father, so that he may grant him the grace of forgiveness, the help to live in the Spirit and then glory in Heaven. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

DAY 4: Power of Archangel Michael in love for God.

Glory to the Father, I believe, Invocations to the Holy Spirit

Father, my Creator and Lord, I praise you, adore you and bless you, for your infinite goodness with which you continue to love me and grant me your grace: I consecrate you my life, my thoughts, my affections, with the help of St. Michael I want to love you more and more, for this reason I ask you to inflame my heart with the fire of divine love. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

DAY 5: Powers of Archangel Michael in Charity towards Jesus Christ.

Glory to the Father, I believe, Invocations to the Holy Spirit

Archangel Saint Michael, servant of the glory and lordship of Jesus, I ask you to obtain from the Lord the grace of sincere and persevering love for the Divine Redeemer and total fidelity to the gift of salvation. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

DAY 6: Power of Archangel Michael in love for the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Glory to the Father, I believe, Invocations to the Holy Spirit

Glorious Archangel Michael, full of love and devotion to Mary Most Holy, please obtain a filial affection for this most tender Mother. I ask you to intercede with her so that she will welcome me among her children, and at the hour of my death take me with the angels in the presence of the Divine Majesty, where I too can enjoy the beatific vision with you and with all the saints. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

DAY 7: Power of Archangel Michael in love for the Angels.

Glory to the Father, I believe, Invocations to the Holy Spirit

Invincible Archangel Michael, zealous heavenly warrior, obtain from the Holy Trinity the grace to work on my sanctification and the zeal to cooperate effectively with that of my brothers. Protect me from the pitfalls of the infernal enemy and get me to emerge victorious from his perfidious temptations. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

DAY 8: Power of Archangel Michael in the angelic apostolate.

Glory to the Father, I believe, Invocations to the Holy Spirit

Amiable Archangel Michael, I praise and bless God who enriched you with so much wisdom. Perfectly obedient to the command of God, together with you you have saved many angels. Deign to illuminate also my soul through my guardian angel, so that you always walk the path of divine precepts. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

DAY 9: Power of Archangel Michael in charity towards the Vicar of Christ.

Glory to the Father, I believe, Invocations to the Holy Spirit

Powerful Archangel Michael, protector of the Church defending the Vicar of Christ, we turn confidently to you in the difficult times that afflict the successor of Peter Send your angels to illuminate him, comfort him in the hard trials that await him every day. May the Supreme Pontiff be gladdened by sure signs of peace and justice and by a strengthening of faith and charity in the world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.