Today is Saint Catherine of Siena. Prayer to ask for favors

O bride of Christ, flower of our homeland. Angel of the Church be blessed.
You loved the souls redeemed by your Divine Spouse: as He shed tears on the beloved Homeland; for the Church and for the Pope you consumed the flame of your life.
When the plague claimed victims and discord raged, you passed good Angel of Charity and peace.
Against the moral disorder, which reigned everywhere, you virilely called together the goodwill of all the faithful.
Dying you invoked the precious Blood of the Lamb over souls, over Italy and Europe, over the Church.
O Saint Catherine, our sweet patron sister, overcome the error, guard the faith, inflame, gather the souls around the Shepherd.
Our homeland, blessed by God, chosen by Christ, both through your intercession true image of the Heavenly in charity in prosperity, in peace.
For you the Church extends as much as the Savior desired, for you the Pontiff is loved and sought like the Father the counselor of all.
And our souls are enlightened for you, faithful to the duty towards Italy, Europe and the Church, always stretched towards heaven, in the Kingdom of God where the Father, the Word and the Divine love radiate above every eternal light spirit , perfect joy.