Today if you cannot go to church, bless the candles at home: the prayer to say

Entrance antiphon


The Lord our God will come with power,
and he will enlighten his people. Alleluia.

Dear brothers, forty days have passed since the solemnity of Christmas.
Even today the Church is celebrating, celebrating the day when Mary and Joseph presented Jesus to the temple.
With that rite the Lord subjected himself to the prescriptions of the ancient law, but in reality he came to meet his people, who awaited him in faith.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, the ancient saints Simeon and Anna came to the temple; enlightened by the same Spirit they recognized the Lord and filled with joy they bore witness to him.
We too gathered here by the Holy Spirit go to meet Christ in the house of God, where we will find and recognize him in the breaking of the bread, waiting for him to come and manifest himself in his glory.

After the exhortation the candles are blessed with holy water, saying the following prayer with joined hands:

Let's pray.
O God, source and principle of all light,
that today you revealed to the holy old Simeon
Christ, true light of all peoples,
bless + these candles
and hear the prayers of your people,
that comes to meet you
with these luminous signs
and with hymns of praise;
guide him on the path of good,
so that it reaches the light that has no end.
For Christ our Lord.

Let's pray.
O God, creator and giver of truth and light,
look at us your faithful gathered in your temple
and illuminated by the light of these candles,
infuse in our spirit
the splendor of your holiness,
so that we can arrive happily
to the fullness of your glory.
For Christ our Lord.