Every time she posts pictures of her baby online, people yell at her with cruel insults

Today, in telling you about this insight into modern life, we want to address a topic that is as topical as it is delicate. Social networks, the internet, the world online. That virtual life where you share your experiences, your joys and your loneliness sometimes to fill gaps or to seek support.

mother and figlio

This is the story of a young mother, who, when proud, posts photos of hers child, feels attacked by ruthless and mean comments.

However, this mother does not intend to remain silent and wants to make her voice and her thoughts known.

Natasha is a young mother of a special child, Raedyn, 1 year old subject to bullying and criticized every time his face appears on the Tik Tok platform.

A mother's fight for her child's rights

Little Raedyn was born with Pfeiffer syndrome causing head abnormalities. But for her mother, her son is absolutely perfect and has no intention of hiding it. Yet people keep writing really cruel, unhappy comments, even asking him why he would keep him alive like this.

As if that weren't enough Natashia is forced to suffer these bad comments even in real life. Leaving the house is difficult for her. She is tired of having to explain to the world why her child looks different from others.

Raedyn lives a happy life, like all other children, and just because she looks different doesn't mean she's inferior to anyone else. This child deserves a life, he deserves to be accepted for who he is and his mother will never stop fighting to allow him to feel like everyone else.

È sad learn and realize that, despite the various evolutions, the struggles for inequalities, progress, modernity, there are still people who are not able to accept and see disability as a normal condition and not as a limitation or something to be ashamed.