Each of us must have his own propitious spiritual place: do you know what it is?

Propitious spiritual paths ...

There are places that call us, perhaps even from very far away, places that if you breathe you feel yours. Like those people who, even if you've never met, you've always known. We don't know the reason,
but, even before having seen them, we know that following their call we will find a piece of our soul.

They are places capable of transmitting, thanks to the serenity they emanate, a state of stillness that makes us participate in all of God's creation. However, not everyone is able to make this moment of profound spiritual bond blossom. Not for everyone the single place has the same value since it is not the place that has spiritual or miraculous power, but it is the place that, linked with the individual and its temporary feeling, make it the site of choice for this powerful link. For many people the place in question may be a real basilica open to visits, for others it may be Mass, for still others the spectacle of a sunset.

Whatever your place to clear your mind of daily anxieties and worries, it instantly becomes the basilica of your unconscious the place where you can reach the serenity that brings you into
contact with God and with his creation. When you find your place of spiritual meditation try to give it due time.
Recognizing such a place is not easy, it is necessary to have a propitious mood and psychic.

But how to make your presence in that place profitable?
If we go to Mass, for example, we know we can meet God and that deep bond that we all seek, so we cannot afford to be distracted nor to bring anxieties and disturbances. When we reach the place that allows us to remove negative thoughts and to charge ourselves with positivity, we have the task of using them in order to enrich our spirituality and experience the feeling of being at least in those days, in real and total contact with God and the universe. .