Horror, scientists are creating 'Frankenstein' children: half human, half ape

In United States of America Federal lawmakers are trying to ban the creation of human-animal hybrids after a team of scientists in California and China injected human stem cells into monkey embryos.

Il Washington Times reported that the United States Senator, Mike Brown, a leading proponent of the law, said these potential experiments in Frankenstein style they raise serious ethical questions and undermine the sanctity of human life.

Braun said: “I believe there is a genuine interest in learning information from DNA analysis, understanding the genome of not only humans but other animals, but there is a temptation to go beyond the altruistic effort to find cures. for diseases such as ALS andAlzheimer".

Indeed, in April, an international team of scientists published an article in the journal Cell describing the creation of embryos from human and monkey cells.

The researchers used monkey embryos injected with human stem cells to explore the possibility of growing organs for people in need of transplants.

Currently, U.S. law prohibits taxpayer funding for similar research, but Braun and other lawmakers want to ban the creation of certain human-animal hybrids altogether.

As a result, last week, Braun and colleagues James Lankford e Steve Daines they introduced an amendment to the Senate scientific research spending bill that would ban unethical research, but the amendment did not pass.

Lankford said he was shocked at the behavior of the Democrats, who find themselves in the opposition.

"We thought it was important to put a stake in the ground and say, 'No, the United States doesn't believe it's right to merge animals and humans for medical experimentation', because China is already trying to raise a child with these characteristics," he said. said Lankford.

Research like these, it should be useless to remember but it is not, are above all contrary to the laws of God. Manipulating life is aberrant.

Source: LifeNews. com.