October, month dedicated to the Holy Rosary: ​​indulgences, promises, the love of the Saints

"The Blessed Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary such that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it may be, temporal or especially spiritual, in the personal life of each of us , of our families ... that cannot be solved with the Rosary. There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it can be, that we cannot solve with the prayer of the Rosary. "
Sister Lucia dos Santos. Seer of Fatima

Indulgences for the recitation of the Rosary

Plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who: devoutly recite the Marian Rosary in church or oratory, or in the family, in a religious community, in an association of faithful and in a general way when more faithful gather for an honest end; he devoutly joins the recitation of this prayer as it is made by the Supreme Pontiff, and transmitted by means of television or radio. In other circumstances, however, the indulgence is partial.

For the plenary indulgence attached to the recitation of the Marian Rosary these norms are established: the recitation of the third part is sufficient; but the five decades must be recited without interruption, to the vocal prayer must be added the pious meditation of the mysteries; in public recitation the mysteries must be enunciated according to the approved custom in force in the place; on the other hand, in the private one it is sufficient for the faithful to add the meditation of the mysteries to the vocal prayer.

From the Manual of Indulgences n ° 17 pages. 67-68

Promises of Our Lady to Blessed Great Dane

for devotees of the Holy Rosary

1. To all those who prayerfully recite my Rosary, I promise my special protection and great graces.
2. He who perseveres in reciting my Rosary will receive some outstanding grace.
3. The Rosary will be a very powerful defense against hell; it will destroy vices, free from sin, dissipate heresies.
4. The Rosary will make virtues and good works flourish and will obtain the most abundant divine mercies for souls; it will replace God's love in the hearts of the love of the world, elevating them to the desire for heavenly and eternal goods. How many souls will sanctify themselves by this means!
5. He who entrusts himself to me with the Rosary will not perish.
6. He who devoutly recites my Rosary, meditating on his mysteries, will not be oppressed by misfortune. Sinner, he will convert; just, it will grow in grace and become worthy of eternal life.
7. The true devotees of my Rosary will not die without the sacraments of the Church.
8. Those who recite my Rosary will find the light of God during their life and their death, the fullness of his graces and will share in the merits of the blessed.
9. I will very quickly free the devout souls of my Rosary from purgatory.
10. The true children of my Rosary will rejoice in a great glory in heaven.
11. You will get what you ask with my Rosary.
12. Those who spread my Rosary will be helped by me in all their needs.
13. I have obtained from my Son that all the members of the Confraternity of the Rosary have the saints of heaven as brothers during life and at the hour of death.
14. Those who faithfully recite my Rosary are all my beloved children, brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ.
15. Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

Gospel prayer

The Holy Rosary is "the compendium of the whole Gospel", said Pope Pius XII; it is the most beautiful summary of the history of salvation. Whoever knows the Rosary knows the Gospel, knows the life of Jesus and Mary, knows his own path and eternal destiny.
Pope Paul VI in the document "For the cult of the Blessed Virgin", expressly pointed out "the evangelical disposition of the Rosary", which puts the soul in direct contact with the genuine source of faith and salvation. He also noted the "clearly Christological orientation" of the Rosary, which revives the mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption operated by Jesus with Mary, for the salvation of man.
Rightly, Pope Paul VI also renews the recommendation never to miss the contemplation of the mysteries in the recitation of the Rosary: ​​«without it the Rosary is a body without a soul, and its recitation risks becoming mechanical repetition of formulas .... "
On the contrary, the Rosary fills with vitality the souls who know how to make their own, in the recitation, "the joy of messianic times, the salvific pain of Christ, the glory of the risen one that floods the Church" (Marialis cultus, 44-49).
If the life of man is a continuous interweaving of hopes, pains and joys, in the Rosary it finds its most perfect place of grace: Our Lady helps to assimilate our life to that of Jesus, just as she did who shared every offering, every suffering, every glory of the Son.
If man has a great need for mercy, the Rosary obtains it for him with the ever-repeated plea to each Hail Mary: "Holy Mary ... pray for us sinners ..."; he also obtains it with the gift of holy indulgence, which once a day can be plenary, if the Rosary is recited in front of the SS. Sacramento or in common (in the family, at school, in a group ...), provided that one confesses and communicates.
The Rosary is a treasure of mercy placed by the Church in the hands of every member of the faithful. Don't be spoiled!

The love of the Saints

Those who most understood, loved and venerated the Rosary as a "gift of Mary" were the Saints. Over the course of these eight centuries, they have loved the Rosary with love of true predilection, placing it in the place of honor next to the Tabernacle and the Crucifix, next to the Missal and the Breviary.
We find the S. Rosario on the work table of Doctors of the Church such as S. Lorenzo da Brindisi, S. Pietro Canisio, S. Roberto Bellarmino, S. Teresa di Gesù, S. Francesco di Sales, S. Alfonso M. de 'Liguori . We find it in the hands of ardent apostles such as S. Carlo Borromeo, S. Filippo Neri, S. Francesco Saverio, S. Luigi Grignion de Montfort, and many others; we find it at the neck of Founders such as S. Ignazio di Loyola and S. Camillo de Lellis; of Priests such as the S. Curato d'Ars and S. Giuseppe Cafasso; of Sisters like S. Margherita, S. Bernardetta, S. Maria Bertilla; of young people like S. Stanislao Kostka, San Giovanni Berchmans and S. Gabriele dell'Addolorata.
From S. Domenico to S. Maria Goretti, from S. Caterina to S. Massimiliano M. Kolbe, to the Servants of God Giacomino Gaglione, P. Pio from Pietrelcina, Don Dolindo Ruotolo, it was a glorious theory of the elect who made the crown blessed a weapon of conquest, a ladder of ascensions, a wreath of love, a chain of merits, a necklace of graces for oneself and for others.
If we want to love the Rosary in the purest and most pleasing way to Our Lady, we must go to the school of Saints, who are Our Lady's favorite children. They loved the Rosary so much and they assure us, with St. Teresina, that "there is no prayer more pleasing to God than the Rosary".