Our deceased loved ones always need our prayers: here's why

Often to our loved ones dead, wishing that they are well and have the eternal glory of God. Each of us has in our hearts loved ones who are no longer with us. It is beautiful and important to pray for them and thank the Lord for having given them to us, for a long or short period.

to pray

Unfortunately the modern idea makes us perceive the death as an end, beyond which nothing will exist anymore. If a person dies he is dead and his body will be destined to be corroded by time and by nature and reduced to powder.

This view, however, is wrong. Death does not mark the end but it is only one passage door that leads us to eternal life, to the moment when one day we will be reunited with all those who came before us and we will embrace our loved ones again. As believers, we must pray for our deceased loved ones, knowing that we are accompanying them towards the Glory of God.


Our deceased loved ones always need our prayers

Our deceased loved ones always need ours prayers. As theologians explain, when we reflect on the afterlife, one thing is certain: the affections and love that distinguish us from other animals are stronger than death.

And indeed it is like this: there has always been and will always be that bond that unites us with those we loved and who preceded us through death. They're all in XNUMX. Paradiso? Or maybe I'm in Purgatorio? This is another difficult question that is not ours to answer.


The only thing we can do is help theirs path of purification with prayer, but also by celebrating a Santa Mass in their memory or by carrying out works of charity or penance.

Theologians explain to us that prayer and the Holy Mass immerse us in communion not only with the mystery of God, but also with the life to come. As a result, we are in full union even with our dearly departed. Therefore, we should never fail to pray for them.

We close this article by remembering one phrase of St. Augustine who said that those we love and have lost are no longer where they were, but are wherever we are.