Father Jozo of Medjugorje tells us what Our Lady teaches


I beg you: do not come if you do not want to be subjected to grace. Please don't come if you don't allow Our Lady to educate you. It's better for you! It is better for the Church. Our Lady did not say "recite" the Rosary. But he said "PRAY THE ROSARY". Prayer is not recited. Please with your heart.


If I don't love, I can't pray. Saint Paul wrote: "The Holy Spirit prays in us, lives in us, loves in us". If I don't love, I don't have the Holy Spirit, the Spirit is missing. I am Satan, as Jesus says to Peter. If I hate someone, I can't pray; if I refuse someone, I can't pray. This is the rule for praying and loving. Then: love begins in yourself. But if you cannot accept yourself as you are, you cannot accept your husband. And if you are not happy with your face, with your physiognomy, how do you say "I don't like you"? We are all beautiful if we know how to love. Immediately we warn those who do not love. You don't need makeup to love! Love is important for living. Can you love yourself? But there is no love far from the Lord. God is love. There is no other source. For this reason Our Lady said "to be able to love Jesus, you must love yourself". If you don't love yourself, you don't know how to love Jesus. The Lord has given you everything. And you don't love. How can you come to church to pray with the Church, sacrifice yourself for the Church with your prayer if you don't know how to love and can't pray? So you can't pray. With the body you can only act. If you have no heart, you are a tree only with leaves but without fruit. This is why there are Christians who go to church, who recite but do not bear fruit; then they say that it is useless to go to church. This happens because they don't want to love, they don't want to know the will of God. It is very dangerous to play with a Christian tradition and with the Gospel. Our Lady wishes to educate you. You are for her a "DEAR SON", who must remain submissive to her and always grow. Don't say: I can't pray because I'm nervous. A Christian doesn't have to say this ..


Our Lady told us that we must read the Bible a lot (that is, the New Testament for them) because prayer feeds on the Bible. Our Lady said to turn off the TV and open the Bible. We are able to stay hours ahead of TV; we are able to buy a magazine every day, we are able to spend hours in conversation with friends. Then if I see or read about sports, I always talk about sports. If I read and see medicine, I will always talk about medicine. If you read the Bible in your family, it means that God speaks. When the Bible remains in your heart, you think like Jesus, you form yourself as a son of God and as a son of God you can pray to him. In the Bible there is the living Lord. The words of the Bible are anointed with the Holy Spirit, sanctified, inspired. You cannot read the Bible with your eyes, but with your heart. After the Gospel, the priest kisses the Bible, but not the paper, but kisses the Lord who is alive, who has spoken.

The book of the Lord is like the garment of God, the clothing of which God is cloaked. You, holding the Holy Book, can feel the heart of God throbbing, the heart of your Master, the living heart of God alive. It is a word that illuminates you. In fact, Jesus says "whoever listens to my word does not walk in darkness, but understands its purpose, its purpose". You Italians know how to read everyone. Not so my parishioners, many adults cannot read because for so long our population has been enslaved by the Turks who did not allow Christians to go to school; only if they became Muslims could they. But our good people preferred to keep their faith. But who knows how to read has the Bible and the law with tears.

Is there a Guest greater than Jesus in your homes?

Take the Bible with you. You Italian women all have a nice bag, keep the Bible, read it in moments of rest. Open and read: Jesus comes with you.


Take the Rosary with you too. Our Lady insisted that everyone bring blessed objects. At first I did not understand the reason for the blessed Rosary and the big difference with the non-blessed one, then this happened to me ... a priest expelled from Haiti came to visit me and who for three months had been imprisoned for a strange fact. A whole country had consecrated itself to Satan. They wanted to force him to drink blood and then as the priest refused, they imprisoned him. After three months through the American government, he was freed and expelled.

This missionary has now come to thank Our Lady in Medjugorje. And he confided to me that before arriving in that village the priest had put on a medal and a blessed Rosary. The wizard warned that the missionary had a magical object in his pocket.

Everyone blasphemed Christ and sentenced the priest to prison. Our Lady said that all those who come to Medjugorje are tempted in the early days. Evil exists and we can overcome this evil only if Jesus and Our Lady are with us. Our tradition leads us to put blessed water in our homes, and when one of the family members goes out, he takes that water and signs himself saying: "Jesus, I am going into the world, protect me!". And when we return: "I enter, but free me from evil." Blessed water is not magic.