Our Father: your will be done. What does it mean?


1. This prayer is too fair. The sun, the moon, the stars perfectly fulfill the will of God; every blade of grass, every grain of sand; in fact, no hair falls from your head if God does not want to. But unreasonable creatures perform it mechanically; you, reasonable creature, know that God is your Creator, your Lord, and that his just, good, holy law must be the rule of your will; why then do you follow your whim and your passion? And dare you stand against God?

2. God above all. What must triumph above all thought? God. The rest is worth nothing: honors, riches, glory, ambition are nothing! What must you lose rather than lose God? Everything: goods, health, life. What is the whole world worth if you lose your soul? ... Who do you have to obey? To God rather than men. If now you do not lovingly do the will of God, you will do forcibly for all eternity in hell! Which suits you best?

3. Balsam of resignation. Have you never tasted how sweet it is to say: God's will be done? In afflictions, in tribulations, the thought that God sees and wants us for our trial, as comfort! In poverty, in privation, in the loss of loved ones, weeping at Jesus' feet, saying: God's will be done, as it comforts and consoles! In temptations, in fears of the soul, as it refreshes to say: Everything as you want, but help me. - And you despair?

PRACTICE. - Repeat in every opposition today: Thy will be done.