Padre Pio knew the thoughts and the future of people

In addition to the visions, the religious of the convent of Venafro, who hosted Padre Pio for a time, witnessed other inexplicable phenomena. In his state of serious illness, Padre Pio showed that he was able to read people's thoughts. One day Father Agostino went to see him. "Make a special prayer for me this morning," asked Padre Pio. Going down to the church, Father Agostino decided to remember the confrere in a special way during the Mass, but then he forgot about it. Returning to the Father, he asked him: "Did you pray for me?" - "I forgot about it" replied Father Agostino. And Padre Pio: "thank goodness that the Lord accepted the purpose that you did while going down the stairs".

At the solicited and repeated call to confess a man, Padre Pio who prayed in chorus, raises his head and sternly says: “In short, this has made our Lord wait twenty-five years to decide and confess himself and he cannot wait five minutes for me? It was found that the fact was true.

The prophetic spirit of Padre Pio seen by Father Carmelo who was Superior of the Convent of San Giovanni Rotondo, is enclosed in this testimony: - “During the last world war, almost every day there was talk of the war and, above all of the amazing military victories of the Germany on all fronts of battle. I remember one morning reading in the convent's sitting room, the newspaper with the news that the German avant-gardes were now heading towards Moscow. It was love at first sight: I saw in that journalistic flash the end of the war with the final victory of Germany. Going out into the corridor, I met the revered Father and, happily, I exploded shouting: “Father, the war is over! Germany won it. " - "Who told you?" Asked Padre Pio. - "Father, the newspaper" I replied. And Padre Pio: “Did Germany win the war? Remember that Germany will lose the war this time, worse than last time! Remember that!". - I replied: "Father, the Germans are already close to Moscow, so ...". - He added: "Remember what I told you!". I insisted: "But if Germany loses the war, it means that Italy will lose it too!" - And He, decided: "We will have to see if they will end it together". Those words were completely obscure to me, then given the Italy-Germany alliance, but they became clear the following year after the armistice with the Anglo-Americans on 8 September 1943, with the relative declaration of war by Italy to the Germany.