Padre Pio and the miracle of Easter day

The miracle of the day of Easter sees Paolina, a woman from San Giovanni Rotondo, as the protagonist. One day the woman falls seriously ill and according to the doctors' diagnosis there was no hope for her. Her husband and her 5 children then, desperate, went to the convent to ask Padre Pio to intercede for the woman.

Padre Pio

The younger children clung to the friar's habit crying, while he tries to console them by promising that he would pray for their mother. However, a few days after the start of Holy Week, the friar's response to all those who tried to intercede for the woman changed. He promised everyone that Paolina would be resurrected on Easter Day.

Good Friday Pauline he lost consciousness and went into a coma the next day. After a few hours of agony the woman he died. At that point the family took the wedding dress to dress her according to tradition. In the meantime, other people ran to the convent to warn Padre Pio of what had happened. Shortly before going to the altar to celebrate the Holy Mass, the friar repeated again "he will resurrect".


Pauline resurrects on Easter day

When the bells announced the resurrection of Christ Padre Pio's voice was broken by a sob and tears begin to stream down his face. At that moment Paolina was resurrected. She got out of bed without any help, she knelt down and recited the Creed 3 times, then she stood up and smiled.

A little later she was asked what had happened during the time she was dead. Paolina smiling replied that she climbed, she climbed higher and higher and when she was entering a great light, she came back.


The woman never told anything more about this miracle. People from this event only expected the woman to survive, they would never have believed to see her heal and return to perfect health.