Padre Pio and the prophecy on the wrong behavior of priests

Today we talk about an episode that happened to Padre Pio in which he speaks to his confessor father about a message that has disturbed him greatly. Jesus wanted to communicate to him all the suffering with respect to the incorrect behavior of the priests. Let's go then to see the prophecy of the friar of Pietralcina.

friar of Pietralcina

Padre Pio was a very popular and respected priest, famous for his prophecies and his miracles. One of his most significant prophecies was the one concerning the behavior of priests, which still seems very current and important today.

Unworthy priests

According to Padre Pio, the behavior of the priests would have been one of the factors that would have led to the Church crisis. He would have said that many of them would walk away from the true faith and would have abandoned their role of spiritual guide. Furthermore, he would have predicted that they would be tempted by lust and money, abandoning their vocation for power and material wealth.


Padre Pio in his prophecy had also warned that many of them would take the path of compromise, trying to be liked by everyone instead of being faithful to the truth of faith. He would have predicted that they would talk about peace but in reality they would have been complicit in the spread of evil in the world.

Padre Pio's prophecy on the behavior of priests still seems very current and important today, especially in the light of the sexual and financial scandals which involved many members of the clergy. He had warned of the temptation to lust and the pursuit of power and wealth, problems that still afflict many priests today.

Therefore, it is important for priests to follow l'esempio of Padre Pio and try to be exemplary in their lives, respecting the doctrine of the Church and guiding souls towards truth and goodness. Only in this way will they be able to obtain the respect and admiration of the faithful and contribute to the renewal of the Church and of society.