Padre Pio and the long struggles against the devil

Padre Pio is a Franciscan priest who lived in the XNUMXth century who became known for his devotion to prayer and penance, as well as his charisms, including the ability to read hearts, healing and prophecy. One of his most famous experiences was battling the devil.


Padre Pio experienced many trials and temptations during his life. He said he had visions of the devil who tried to dissuade him from his vocation and that he witnessed physical and psychological attacks. However, the friar always trusted in God's protection and found the strength to resist the temptations of the devil.

Padre Pio's fight against the devil was particularly intense during the period in which he was a guest of the convent of San Giovanni Rotondo, in Puglia. During that time, he reported having numerous experiences of demonic attacks, including shouting, swearing, laughing, and name calling. He also said that he felt the presence of the devil who approached him at night and whispered abusive words and impure temptations into his mind.


On one occasion, Padre Pio said he saw the devil in human form, dressed in a black suit and with his face distorted with anger. However, the friar was not intimidated and pronounced the name of Jesus, causing the devil to flee.

The story of the Guardian Father

The guardian of the convent of San Giovanni Rotondo often heard noises coming from Padre Pio's room. One evening he decided to stay in the friar's room to see if the devil would appear while he was there. Nothing happened, but when the guardian walked away he heard a thud that made him jump. He ran to Padre Pio's room and was horrified to notice that he was very pale and full of sweat. Satan had been there.