Padre Pio, the Holy Rosary and how to free souls from Purgatory

For Padre Pio, the Rosary was considered the key to Paradise. Again to Father Pellegrino he said, on another occasion: "You who consider the Rosary as a prayer suitable only for old ladies, take this Crown and consider it, precisely because of its apparent, extraordinary uselessness, as a" little tool "to open the gates of Heaven ". The doors of Heaven are opened wide with the recitation of the Rosary even to souls in purgatory, in fact, to Cleonice Morcaldi, one day giving a Rosary Crown to which the plenary indulgences, granted by Saint Pius X, were annexed, Padre Pio said: "I entrust you a treasure, know how to treasure it; let's help the souls in Purgatory, let's empty that prison ”.