Padre Pio wants to give you this advice today September 17th

Jesus and your soul agree to cultivate the vineyard. It is up to you to remove and transport stones, to tear thorns. To Jesus the task of sowing, planting, cultivating, watering. But even in your work there is the work of Jesus. Without him you can do nothing.


O Padre Pio, light of God,

pray to Jesus and the Virgin Mary for me

and for all suffering humanity. Amen.

(3 times)


(by Mons. Angelo Comastri)

Padre Pio, you lived in the century of pride and you were humble.

Padre Pio you passed among us in the era of wealth

dream, play and worship: and you have remained poor.

Padre Pio, nobody heard the voice beside you: and you spoke with God;

near you nobody saw the light: and you saw God.

Padre Pio, while we were panting,

you remained on your knees and you saw the Love of God nailed to a wood,

wounded in the hands, feet and heart: forever!

Padre Pio, help us cry before the cross,

help us believe before the Love,

help us to hear Mass as God's cry,

help us to seek forgiveness as an embrace of peace,

help us to be Christians with wounds

who shed blood of faithful and silent charity:

like the wounds of God! Amen.