The 6 invocations to our Guardian Angel for his protection

The 6 invocations to our Guardian Angel for his protection

Noble spirit, my guardian angel, for that immense happiness you feel in always seeing God openly, ask me for the grace to always walk in the presence of ...

Medjugorje: freed from drugs, he is now a priest

Medjugorje: freed from drugs, he is now a priest

I am happy as long as I can bear witness to you all about the "resurrection" of my life. So many times, when we talk about the living Jesus, Jesus who can ...

One minute devotion: the power of your words

One minute devotion: the power of your words

Today's daily devotion Enjoy this one minute devotion and let yourself be inspired The power of your words But I tell you that everyone ...

Devotion of the day: contrition, the step towards forgiveness

Devotion of the day: contrition, the step towards forgiveness

How it should be. With your sins you offend God who is an infinitely good Father; you offend Jesus who, for your sake, scattered, down to the last drop, ...

Reflect today on the simple call to love God and your neighbor

Reflect today on the simple call to love God and your neighbor

"Teacher, which commandment of the law is the greatest?" Matthew 22:36 This question was asked by one of the law students in an attempt to ...

Sant'Antonio de Sant'Anna Galvão, Saint of the day for 25 October

Sant'Antonio de Sant'Anna Galvão, Saint of the day for 25 October

Saint of the day for October 25 (1739-December 23, 1822) History of St. Anthony of St. Anna Galvão God's plan in the life of a person…

Today's Gospel October 25, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

Today's Gospel October 25, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

READING OF THE DAY First Reading From the book of Exodus Ex 22,20-26 Thus says the Lord: "You shall not harass the stranger or oppress him, for you have been…

Two other Swiss Guards test positive for coronavirus

Two other Swiss Guards test positive for coronavirus

The Pontifical Swiss Guard announced Friday that two more of its members have tested positive for the coronavirus. The smallest but oldest standing army ...

The Vatican extends the plenary indulgence for the dead throughout November

The Vatican extends the plenary indulgence for the dead throughout November

The Vatican has extended the availability of some plenary indulgences for the souls in Purgatory, amid concerns of avoiding large gatherings of people in the ...

Faith and concern don't mix

Faith and concern don't mix

Give your concern to Jesus and have faith in Him. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, with prayer and…

Devotion of the day: the preciousness of confession

Devotion of the day: the preciousness of confession

Its preciousness. Consider what misfortune yours would be if, having fallen into a single mortal sin, you were to be lost without remedy ... In the midst of so many dangers, ...

Think, today, if you feel like you need to allow Jesus to "cultivate the soil" around you

Think, today, if you feel like you need to allow Jesus to "cultivate the soil" around you

“'For three years I have been looking for fruit on this fig tree, but I have not found any. So take it down. Why should it run out of soil? She told him ...

Sant'Antonio Maria Claret, Saint of the day for 24 October

Sant'Antonio Maria Claret, Saint of the day for 24 October

Saint of the day for October 24 (December 23, 1807-October 24, 1870) History of Saint Anthony Maria Claret The "spiritual father of Cuba" was a missionary,…

Today's Gospel October 24, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

Today's Gospel October 24, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

READING OF THE DAY From the letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians Eph 4,7-16 Brothers, grace has been given to each of us according to…

Questions arise over Pope Francis' declaration on same-sex civil unions

Questions arise over Pope Francis' declaration on same-sex civil unions

Br. Antonio Spadaro, SJ, director of the Jesuit magazine La Civiltà Cattolica, said Wednesday evening that an expression of support for civil unions between people of ...

Devotion of the day: respect for people

Devotion of the day: respect for people

Ruins of human respect. Where does this tyrant of hearts not reveal himself? Who can say frankly: I never leave out the good, I don't suit ...

7 Biblical Tips for Cultivating True Friends

7 Biblical Tips for Cultivating True Friends

"Friendship arises from simple company when two or more companions discover that they have in common a vision or an interest or even a taste that ...

Ponder today whether you are ready to allow the Holy Spirit of Truth to enter your mind

Ponder today whether you are ready to allow the Holy Spirit of Truth to enter your mind

Jesus said to the crowds: “When you see a cloud rising from the west, immediately say that it is going to rain - and so it is; and when you notice ...

St. John of Capistrano, Saint of the day for 23 October

St. John of Capistrano, Saint of the day for 23 October

Saint of the day for October 23rd (June 24, 1386 - October 23, 1456) History of St. John of Capistrano It has been said that Christian saints are…

Today's Gospel 23 October 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

Today's Gospel 23 October 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

READING OF THE DAY From the letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians Eph 4,1-6 Brethren, I, a prisoner for the Lord's sake, urge you: behave in a...

What did Pope Francis say about civil unions?

What did Pope Francis say about civil unions?

"Francesco", a newly released documentary on the life and ministry of Pope Francis, made headlines worldwide, because the film contains a scene ...

Devotion and prayers to St. John Paul II for graces

Devotion and prayers to St. John Paul II for graces

HOLY POPE JOHN PAUL II KAROL WOJTYLA Wadowice, Krakow, May 18, 1920 - Vatican, April 2, 2005 (Pope from 22/10/1978 to 02/04/2005). Born in…

Practical devotion: Jesus speaks in silence

Practical devotion: Jesus speaks in silence

Cover yourself each morning in a quiet silence with the Lord. Incline your ear and come to me: listen, and your soul will live. ...

Devotion of the day: the damages of vainglory

Devotion of the day: the damages of vainglory

Frequency of vainglory. Consider how many times you show vanity in your words, in bragging about what little you do or know, in boasting for a shadow ...

Reflect today on whether or not you struggle to compromise your faith when challenged by others

Reflect today on whether or not you struggle to compromise your faith when challenged by others

Do you think I came to establish peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. From now on a family of five ...

Saint John Paul II, Saint of the day for 22 October

Saint John Paul II, Saint of the day for 22 October

Saint of the day for 22 October (18 May 1920 - 2 April 2005) The story of Saint John Paul II "Open wide the doors to Christ", has ...

Today's Gospel October 22, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

Today's Gospel October 22, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

READING OF THE DAY From the letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians Eph 3,14: 21-XNUMX Brothers, I bend my knees before the Father, from whom he originates ...

The news from the Vatican: in favor of homosexual couples

The news from the Vatican: in favor of homosexual couples

THE NEWS FROM THE VATICAN: FAVORABLE FOR HOMOSEXUAL COUPLES This is the news published by all the media. These are words that clearly contrast the ...

The cause of beatification of the "Mother of the lepers" opens in Poland

The cause of beatification of the "Mother of the lepers" opens in Poland

After the opening of his cause, Bishop Bryl preached during a mass in the cathedral, describing Błeńska as a woman of faith whose actions ...

The pope wearing a mask appeals to fraternity during interfaith prayer

The pope wearing a mask appeals to fraternity during interfaith prayer

Speaking to Italian government officials and religious leaders during an interreligious prayer for peace on Tuesday, Pope Francis launched an appeal…

The One Minute Daily Devotion: Choose Wisely

The One Minute Daily Devotion: Choose Wisely

Today's Daily Devotion Enjoy this one-minute devotion and be inspired Choose wisely Keep your heart with all vigilance, as from ...

A devotion to use your spiritual gifts

A devotion to use your spiritual gifts

A prayer to use your spiritual gifts But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, that the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything ...

Devotion of the day: reasons for humility

Devotion of the day: reasons for humility

Our sins. Meditate on how true the words of the prophet Micah are, that humiliation is in the center of your heart, in the middle of you. Before…

Reflect on your prayer life today

Reflect on your prayer life today

Jesus told his disciples: “Be assured: if the master of the house had known the hour when the thief would come, he would not have let that…

Sant'Ilario, Saint of the day for 21 October

Sant'Ilario, Saint of the day for 21 October

Saint of the day for 21 October (around 291 - 371) The story of Saint Hilary Despite his best efforts to live in prayer and ...

Today's Gospel October 21, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

Today's Gospel October 21, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

READING OF THE DAY From the letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians Eph 3,2: 12-XNUMX Brothers, I think you have heard about the ministry of God's grace, ...

The Vatican asks the United Nations to eliminate the risks of satellite collisions in space

The Vatican asks the United Nations to eliminate the risks of satellite collisions in space

With more and more satellites orbiting the Earth, it is necessary to take measures to prevent collisions in space that give rise to dangerous "debris ...

Devotion of the day: account of God's talents

Devotion of the day: account of God's talents

Various distribution of the gifts of God. Man hardly remains happy with the state in which Divine Providence placed him. How many complaints does the ...

Reflect today on how ready you are to immediately open every part of your life to grace

Reflect today on how ready you are to immediately open every part of your life to grace

Jesus told his disciples: “Gird up your hips and light your lamps and be like servants who await the return of their master from ...

Saint Paul of the Cross, Saint of the day for 20 October

Saint Paul of the Cross, Saint of the day for 20 October

Saint of the day for 20 October (3 January 1694 - 18 October 1775) Story of Saint Paul of the Cross Born in northern Italy in 1694, Paul Daneo lived…

Today's Gospel October 20, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

Today's Gospel October 20, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

READING OF THE DAY From the letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians Eph 2,12: 22-XNUMX Brothers, remember that at that time you were without Christ, excluded from citizenship ...

Devotions: Fight fear with faith in Jesus

Devotions: Fight fear with faith in Jesus

Instead of focusing on the negative and the unknown, train your mind to trust Jesus. Fight fear with faith Because God doesn't have us ...

One Minute Daily Devotion: The Perfect Model

One Minute Daily Devotion: The Perfect Model

Today's daily devotion Enjoy this one minute devotion and let yourself be inspired The perfect model Dear brothers and sisters, shape your life…

20 tips to be a happy and perfect soul

20 tips to be a happy and perfect soul

1. Get up with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak. 2. Be tolerant of those who ...

Pope Francis: God is supreme

Pope Francis: God is supreme

Catholics, by virtue of their baptism, must affirm to the world the primacy of God in human life and in history, Pope said Sunday ...

Prayer of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Prayer of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Most Holy Virgin and our Mother, in showing your Heart surrounded by thorns, symbol of the blasphemies and ingratitudes with which men repay the subtleties ...

How to see God in daily life

How to see God in daily life

Each day offers glimpses of simple and sacred moments - devotional. I have a certain look on my face. My wife Carol has come to recognize him.…

One Minute Daily Devotion: Free yourself from pride

One Minute Daily Devotion: Free yourself from pride

Today's Daily Devotion Enjoy this one-minute devotion and be inspired Free yourself from pride Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up. - ...

Devotion of the day: giving alms

Devotion of the day: giving alms

It is the most lucrative art: This is how Chrysostom defines almsgiving. Give to the indigent, and you will be given a full, abundant measure, says Jesus. Whoever gives to the poor, ...

Reflect today on your desire for wealth

Reflect today on your desire for wealth

“'Fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong? So it will be for those who accumulate treasures for ...