Pope Francis authorizes the beatification of Pope Luciani here are all the reasons

On September 4, 2020, Pope Francis gave authorization for the beatification of Pope Luciani, also known as Pope John Paul I. Born on 17 October 1912 in Canale d'Agordo, in the province of Belluno, Albino Luciani spent most of his life dedicating himself to the service of the Church.


Pope Luciani's pontificate only lasted 33 days, but left an indelible mark on the history of the Church. He was known for his simplicity and its great communication skills, which allowed him to be close to the people and to address even complex issues with clarity.

During his short pontificate, he faced major challenges, including the reform of the Roman Curia and the promotion of social justice. Furthermore, he has sought to promote greater understanding and dialogue with non-Catholics, recognizing the importance ofecumenism in the modern era.

However, his sudden death the 28 September 1978 it left a huge sadness all over the world. Pope Luciani was found dead in his bed, and it was supposed that he was hit by a heart attack.


Because Pope Luciani was beatified

But because Pope Luciani became Blessed? Pope Francis proclaimed him a saint because of a miracle, one healing which took place on July 23, 2011 in Buenos Aires.

The miracle concerned one child only 11 years old affected by acute inflammatory encelopathy. This disease is a condition in which there is inflammation in the brain leading to neurological symptoms. The little girl was in such a serious state that she was in end of life.

Il parson of the parish of the hospital has decided to pray for the child invoking Pope Luciani, to whom he was very devoted. After that prayer the little girl healed as if by a miracle and today she is a splendid woman. This fact was so extraordinary that it was considered a miracle since medically it could not have any logical explanation.