Pope Francis met the woman where he lost patience

Pope Francis in January met and shook hands with the woman for whom he lost patience after being grabbed in St. Peter's Square on December 31st.

After the general audience on January 8, Pope Francis spoke briefly with the woman. In the photos, the two can be seen smiling at each other while shaking hands. A priest standing next to the woman appears to be acting as an interpreter.

The two met during what is called the "kiss the hand", once reserved for some pilgrims to greet the pope following an audience.

Francesco had apologized during his Angelus speech on January 1 for losing patience with the woman the night before.

“Many times we lose our patience; me too. I apologize for yesterday's bad example, ”he said.

While the Pope greeted the crowd in front of the Vatican nativity scene on December 31, a woman tugged on his arm, holding his hand. Visibly disturbed, Pope Francis patted her on the hand and went away frustrated.

A video of the moment went viral on social media shortly thereafter, and the incident spawned Internet memes and remixes.

Before meeting the woman on January 8, Pope Francis spoke to his general public about Saint Paul and God's love, also noting that Christ can draw good from any circumstance - even an apparent failure.

Greeting the pilgrims in front of the same audience, the Pope joked "don't bite" with a religious sister who reached out to greet him, saying he would give her a kiss on the cheek if she remained calm.