Pope Francis: "Vaccination is an act of love"

"Thank God and the work of many, today we have vaccines to protect us from Covid-19. These give the hope of ending the pandemic, but only if they are available to all and if we collaborate with each other. Getting vaccinated, with vaccines authorized by the competent authorities, is an act of love».

He said so Papa Francesco in a video message for the people of Latin America.

“And helping to get most people vaccinated is an act of love. Love for oneself, love for family and friends, love for all peoples ”, added the Pontiff.

«Love is also social and political, there is social love and political love, it is universal, always overflowing with small gestures of personal charity capable of transforming and improving societies. Vaccinating ourselves is a simple but profound way of promoting the common good and of taking care of each other, especially the most vulnerable, ”the Pontiff underlined.

«I ask God that everyone can contribute with his little grain of sand, his little gesture of love. However small it is, love is always great. Contribute with these small gestures for a better future », he concluded.