Paralyzed woman healed in Medjugorje, after 18 years she throws off her crutches

After 18 years on crutches, Linda Christy from Canada arrived in Medjugorje in a wheelchair. The doctors are unable to explain why he was able to leave him and walk the hill of apparitions. Because her spine is still deformed and her other medical tests also look the same as before she was healed. Medical science cannot explain how Linda Christy from Canada left her wheelchair in June 2010 in Medjugorje after 18 years with a severe spinal injury. “I experienced a miracle. I arrived in a wheelchair and now I walk, as you can see. The Blessed Virgin Mary healed me on Apparition Hill ”Linda Christy told Radio Medjugorje. Last year, on the second anniversary of his recovery, he handed over his medical documents to the parish office in Medjugorje. They testify to a double miracle: not only Linda Christy has started walking, but also her physical-medical conditions remain the same as before.

“I have brought all the medical results that confirmed my condition and there is no scientific explanation as to why I am walking. My spine is in such bad shape that there are places where it's not even consistent, one lung has moved six centimeters and I still have all the diseases and deformities of the spine, ”he says. “After the miracle happened to my spine, it is still in the same bad condition it was in, and therefore there is no medical explanation as to why I can stand alone and walk after walking on crutches for 18 and having spent a year in a wheelchair