Spend some time today thinking about what matters most to you in life

"Don't let your hearts be troubled or scared." John 14:27

What a wonderful reminder that we all need to hear on a regular basis. "Don't let your heart be troubled." And "Don't let your heart be afraid." How often do you follow this advice?

Interestingly, it's actually more than advice. It is a command of love from our Lord. He wants to be clear and wants us to know that a frightened and troubled heart is not like him. Being troubled and fearful is a great burden and weighs us down. Jesus desperately wants us to be free of these burdens. He wants us to be free so that we can experience the joy of life.

So what loads you most in life? Is there anything in your life that you're obsessed with, that you're angry with, that you can't let go of or that tends to dominate your life? Or maybe your burden is more subtle. Maybe there is nothing that overwhelms you but, instead, it is a constant weight in a small way, always there in the background. These burdens can be quite difficult when they last from year to year.

The first step towards freedom is to see the burden for what it is. Identify it and try to identify the underlying cause. If the cause of your burden is your own sin, repent and seek confession. This is the best way to experience immediate freedom.

If, however, your burden is the result of actions of another or of a situation in life that is beyond your control, then you are in a unique position to surrender to our Lord, giving him complete control of this situation. Freedom is found in total surrender, trust and abandonment of His will.

Spend some time today thinking about what matters most to you in life. What do you weigh most? It is this, more than anything else, that Jesus wants to come in and lift for you. He wants you free so that you can experience the joy he has to offer you in life.

Sir, I want to be free. I want to experience the joy you have in store for me. When the burdens of life weigh me down, help me turn to you in my need. Jesus I believe in you.