Pact of mutual love with our Guardian Angel. Here's how to do it

In order for our personal relationship with our guardian angel to be more intimate and effective, it is advisable and appropriate to make a pact of mutual love with him, as if it were to promise each other love, union and fidelity. And we must ask the Lord to unite our lives, our friendship and our love forever.

We can do it with these or similar words:

My God, Holy Trinity, in the company of Mary, I want to thank you for placing a heavenly companion at my side who guides me, defends me and helps me to always carry out your holy will. I promise you to love him as a brother and friend with all my heart and to obey him in all that inspires me to lead me towards you. Jesus, take my heart and soul, my life and my love and unite it in your heart with that of my angel, to form a unity of love forever. Divine spirit, make all this reality with the power of your grace and unite us for eternity. My Father, receive this covenant in the heart of Jesus and Mary and give us your blessing. Amen.

And not only can we make this covenant of love, so that God bless our union, with the guardian angel of our lives, but we can also do it with the holy angels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, and with all the angels of the universe, especially those who are perpetually worshiping Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. In this way, while they love and worship God, they will have our name written in their "heart" and thus they will love and worship also in our name.

We see what Saint Margaret Maria de Alacoque says about the angels of the tabernacles in a letter to Father Croiset of 10 August 1689: «The Sacred Heart wishes us to have a special union and devotion to the holy angels who have the particular task of loving, honoring and praising him. in the divine sacrament of love, so that finding us united and associated with them, they make up for his divine presence both to pay our respects to him, and to love him for us and for all those who do not love him and to repair the irreverences that we commit to his holy presence ».

In the memo addressed to M. Saumaise he writes: «I saw a multitude of angels who told me they were destined to honor Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, and that if I wanted to join them they would have received me very willingly, but that to do this it was necessary start living their own life. They would have helped me as much as they could for this to happen and would have made up for my inability to pay Our Lord the love gifts he wanted from me. In return, I had to make up for their inability to suffer and so we would combine love patient (suffering) to joyful love. Then they made me read our covenant written in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ ».

Wouldn't you like to always have millions of angels before Jesus in sacrament who worship him in your place? Do you think what it means that, at all times of the day and night, the angels of the tabernacles also worship him with you and for you? Why don't you make a covenant of union to form a unity with them to continually worship the sacramented Jesus?

In a special and particular way I recommend that you join the chorus of the seraphim, who worship God before the throne of "HEAVEN" and the earth (Eucharist). Ask them to receive you in their group so that they, who are closest to God, present your life and your good works in the presence of God asking him to be one of them in love and holiness.

There are also saints who have the sanctity of the seraphim (perhaps Saint Francis, the seraphic father, or Saint Augustine, the seraph of Hippo); also associated with them.

You wouldn't like to wear a seal in your soul that says "friend of the seraphim",

of the "seraphim choir?"

Father Angel Peña