Why do we get married? According to the concept of God and what the Bible says

To have children? For the personal development and maturation of the spouses? To channel your passions?

Genesis brings us two tales of creation.

In the most ancient (Gen 2,18: 24-XNUMX), a celibate in full solitude presents us in the midst of a quivering nature of life. The Lord God said: "It is not good for man to be alone: ​​I want to help him like him." Help to populate man's loneliness. "For this reason man will abandon his father and mother and unite with his wife and the two will be one flesh": only one incarnate being, so intimate the union of thoughts, hearts and bodies will be between them, the total union of people.

In the other story, more recent even if inserted in the first chapter of Genesis (1,26-28), man (in the singular collective that gathers the two sexes) is presented as the image of a single God to several people, of a God speaking in the plural: Let us make man ...; it is defined as a whole with two complementary halves: God created man in his image ...; male and female.

The Trinitarian God therefore creates a human procreating couple: from it a trinity of love (father, mother, son) will be born which will reveal to us that God is love and creative love.

But there was sin. The harmony of interpersonal relationships is also upset in the sexual sector (Gen 3,7).

Love is transformed into sexual concupiscence, and the joy which is a gift from God no longer dominates, but slavery, that is, the concupiscence of the flesh (1 Jn 2,16:XNUMX).

In this disorder of feelings and senses, distrust of the sexual and almost an incompatibility of sexual relations with the closeness of God takes root (Gen 3,10:19,15; Ex 1; 21,5 Sam XNUMX).

The Canticle of Canticles is the most respectful, the greatest, the most tender, the most optimistic, the most enthusiastic and also the most realistic that has been written or said about marriage in all its spiritual and carnal components.

All Scripture presents marriage as a state of fullness for the couple and the children who are born from it.

Marriage is a great and holy vocation if it is lived according to the plan of God. The Church therefore with her sacrament of matrimony presents herself to engaged couples, spouses and families as their best ally.

The unity of the couple, their loyalty, their indissolubility, their happiness, are not natural, spontaneous and easy fruits of our culture. Far from it! Our climate is hard on love. There are fears of making projects or choices that irrevocably commit for a lifetime. Happiness, on the other hand, is in the duration of love.

Man has a great need to know his roots, to know himself. The couple, the family come from God.

Christian marriage is, like man himself, an extension, a communication of the mystery of God himself.

There is only one suffering: that of being alone. A God who had always been one person would always have been the same unhappiness, a powerful and solitary egoist, crushed by his own treasures. Such a person could not be God, because God is happiness itself.

There is only one happiness: that of loving and being loved. God is love, he has always been and necessarily. He has not always been alone, he is family, family of love. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God (Jn 1,1). The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: three people, one God, one family.

God-Love is family and has done everything in his likeness. Everything was made love, everything was made family.

We have read the first two chapters of Genesis. In these two tales of creation, man and woman together make up the germ and model of humanity as God wants it in general. Of everything he did in the days of creation, God said: It is good. Only of man alone did God say: It is not good. It is not good for man to be alone (Gen 2,18:XNUMX). In fact, if man is alone he cannot fulfill his vocation as the image of God: to be love it is necessary that he too is not alone. He needs someone who is in front of him, who is suitable for him.

To resemble God-Love, to God one in three people, man must be made up of two similar and at the same time different, equal people, brought body and soul towards each other by the dynamism of love, in such a way that they are one and that from their union the third person, the son, can exist and grow. This third person is, beyond themselves, their concrete unity, their living love: It's all you, it's all me, it's all two of us in one flesh! For this reason, the couple is a mystery of God, which only faith can fully reveal, which only the Church of Jesus Christ can celebrate for what it is.

There is reason to speak of the mystery of sexuality. Eating, breathing, blood circulation are functions of the organism. Sexuality is a mystery.

Now we can understand this: by incarnating, the Son marries humanity. He leaves his Father, takes human nature: God-Son and the man Jesus of Nazareth in one flesh, this flesh born of a virgin Mary. In Jesus there is all God and all man: he is true God and true man, complete God and complete man.

The marriage par excellence is that of God with men, through the incarnation of his Son. Here is the wedding, with a capital letter, definitive, infinitely rich in love. For the sake of his bride, the Son surrendered himself to death. For her she gives herself in communion ... The kingdom of heaven is like a king who made a wedding feast for his son ... (Mt 22,2: 14-5,25). Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her ... (Eph 33: XNUMX-XNUMX).

Well, the Lord asks, through the Church, that men and women give themselves to each other in love throughout their lives, that they accept the honor and grace to signify and live this covenant of Christ and of his Church, of being its sacrament, the sensitive sign, visible to all.

After all, what man expects from woman and woman from man is infinite happiness, eternal life, God.

Nothing less. It is this crazy dream that makes the total gift possible on the wedding day. Without God all this is impossible.