Why do children die? The story of the strong angels

Why do children die? This is a question that many men of faith also ask themselves and often faith itself is the first to collapse when a child dies. There is actually a reason why God calls a child to himself. I'll tell you the story of the strong angels.

God calls Archangel Michael to himself before his glorious throne and tells him “today how do you do every now and then that I order you goes to earth and you have to choose the most beautiful, talented and strong children I have created. We must bring them here to us. We need strong angels in our heavenly army to overcome evil, help those in need, enrich Paradise with precious pearls ”. So Archangel Michael does what God tells him he goes to Earth and chooses some children to call into his army.

On earth, however, for the recall of these children to heaven, tragedies are experienced in fact they have to go through death, causing their families to experience strong pain.

But these children called to heaven receive the sword of gliaccio, the golden armor, the grace and power that comes from God, the love and goodness of Heaven. In short, they become strong angels at the service of God who make rebellious angels tremble, on earth they are guardians of men who have a strong need for help and have a divine light that radiates for those who invoke them. In short, they are strong angels.

Their strength fails only when these children from heaven see their parents, grandparents and family members crying. They do not know what to do in front of this cry but these children know why they died, because God called them for a divine mission and they live the glory of Heaven.

Dear mom, dear dad, who are now living the loss of a small child you are currently experiencing the greatest and indescribable pain but never let your faith fail. You must know that only God can change creation so if your baby has now been called to heaven there is a reason you will know someday. Add hope to your pain. Only by hoping in God will you be able to see a glimmer of faith in a tragedy without any explanation.