The following is taken from the Enchiridion indulgentiarum or Handbook of indulgences, published in Acta Apostolicae Sedis on July 29, 1968.

The Holy Mother Church, while again recommending to its faithful the use of indulgences, as a very dear thing to the Christian people for many centuries and also in our day, according to experience, does not intend to diminish the value of the other means of sanctification and purification and first of all the sacrifice of the Mass and the sacraments, especially of the sacrament of penance. Nor does it want to diminish the importance of those abundant aids, which are the sacramentals, and of works of piety, penance, charity. All these means have in common that the more effectively they cause sanctification and purification the more closely the faithful unite themselves to Christ the head and the body of the Church with charity. The pre-eminence of charity in Christian life is also confirmed by indulgences. In fact, indulgences cannot be acquired without a sincere conversion and without union with God, to which is added the accomplishment of the prescribed works. The order of charity is therefore preserved, in which the remission of the penalties for the distribution of the Church's treasure is inserted.

Indulgence is the remission before God of the temporal punishment for sins, already remitted as regards guilt, that the faithful, duly disposed of and under certain conditions, acquires through the intervention of the Church, which, as minister of redemption, authoritatively dispenses and applies the treasure of the satisfactions of Christ and the Saints.

The indulgence is partial or plenary according to the fact that it partially or totally frees from the temporal punishment due for sins.

Nobody can apply the indulgences he buys to others who are still alive.

Indulgences, both partial and plenary, can be applied to the dead by way of suffrage.

The granting of a partial indulgence is indicated only with the words "Partial indulgence", without any determination of days or years.

The faithful, who at least with a contrite heart performs an action to which partial indulgence is attached, obtains, in addition to the remission of the temporal punishment that he perceives with his action, as much remission of punishment for Church intervention.

Plenary indulgence can only be purchased once a day.

However, the faithful can acquire the plenary indulgence in article mortis even if they have already purchased another plenary indulgence on the same day.

Partial indulgence, on the other hand, can be purchased several times a day, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

The work prescribed to gain the plenary indulgence attached to a church or an oratory consists in the devoted visit of these sacred places, reciting in them a Our Father and a Creed.

To acquire the plenary indulgence it is necessary to perform the indulgent work and fulfill three conditions: sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer according to the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff. It is also required that any affection to sin, even venial, be excluded.

If the full provision is lacking or the three conditions are not laid, the indulgence is only partial, except for what is prescribed in rules 34 and 35 for the disabled.

The three conditions can be fulfilled several days before or after having completed the prescribed work; However, it is convenient that communion and prayer according to the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff be made on the same day on which the work is done.

With a single sacramental confession, several plenary indulgences can be purchased; instead, with a single Eucharistic communion and a single prayer according to the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff, only one plenary indulgence can be acquired.

The condition of prayer is fully fulfilled according to the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff, reciting, according to his intentions, a Our Father and a Hail Mary; however, freedom is left to individuals to recite any other prayer according to the piety and devotion of each.

An indulgence cannot be acquired with a work which one is obliged to perform by law or precept, unless the contrary is expressly stated in the concession. However, those who perform a work that has been enjoined on them as sacramental penance can at the same time satisfy penance and acquire the indulgence attached to that work.

The indulgence attached to a prayer can be purchased in any language it is recited, provided that it is true of the faithfulness of the version for declaration or of the Sacred Penitentiary or of one of the Ordinaries or Hierarchs of the places where that language is commonly spoken.

To purchase the indulgence attached to a prayer, simply recite it alternately with another or follow it mentally while another recites it.


Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, in fulfilling his duties and enduring the adversities of life, raise his soul with humble trust to God, adding, even mentally, a pious invocation.
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, with a spirit of faith and a merciful soul, place himself or his goods at the service of brothers who are in need.
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, in a spirit of penance, spontaneously and with his sacrifice deprives himself of something lawful.


Actiones nostras (Our actions). Partial indulgence.

Lord, prevent our actions with your grace, support them with your help, so that each of our prayers as well as all our work finds its principle and fulfillment in you. Amen.

Actus virtutum theologalium et contritionis (Acts of theological virtues and contrition).
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously recites, with an appropriate formula, the acts of theological virtues and of contrition. Indulgence is attached to every single act.

Act of faith. My God, because you are infallible truth, I believe all that you have revealed and the holy Church proposes us to believe. I believe in you, the only true God, in three equal and distinct persons, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. I believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God, incarnate, dead and risen for us, who will give each one, according to merits, the prize or eternal life. In accordance with this faith, I always want to live. Lord, increase my faith.

Act of hope My God, I hope from your goodness, for your promises and for the merits of Jesus Christ, our Savior, eternal life and the graces necessary to deserve it with the good works, which I must and want to do. Lord, may I enjoy you forever.

Act of charity My God, I love you with all my heart above all things, because you are infinite good and our eternal happiness; and for your sake I love my neighbor as myself and forgive the offenses received. Lord, that I love you more and more.

Act of pain My God, I repent and I regret with all my heart about my sins, because by sinning I deserved your punishments, and much more because I offended you, infinitely good and worthy of being loved above all things. I propose with your holy help never to be offended again and to flee the next opportunities of sin. Lord, mercy, forgive me.

Adoratio SS.mi Sacramenti (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who visit the Blessed Sacrament; the indulgence will instead be plenary if he remains in adoration for at least half an hour.

I adore you devote (I adore you devoutly).
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously recites the rhythm "Adoro te devote" (I adore you devoutly).

Adsumus (We are all here in front of you). This prayer, which is usually recited before a study session of common interest, is enriched by partial indulgence.

We are all here before you, O Holy Spirit our Lord, jammed, it is true, from our sins, but spontaneously united in your name. Come to us, stay with us, deign to fill our souls. Teach us what we have to deal with, how to proceed, and show us what we have to decide, so that with your help we can please you in everything. Be the only inspirer of our resolutions, the only one to make them effective, you to whom only, with the Father and with the Son, all glory goes up. You who love above all things what is right, do not allow us to violate the order of justice. Let ignorance not mislead us, that partiality cannot bend us and that offering of gifts or regards of people does not corrupt us. Join us effectively with the gift of your grace, so that we are one in you and we do not stray from the truth in any way. And since we are gathered in your name, make sure that in everything we adhere to justice tempered by charity, so that here no one of our thoughts will ever turn away from you and in the other life, for having done well, we obtain the eternal reward. Amen.

To you, blessed Ioseph (To you, or blessed Joseph). Partial indulgence.

To you, O blessed Joseph, close by the tribulation we resort, and confidently we invoke your patronage, together with that of your most holy Bride. Deh! For that sacred bond of charity that held you close to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and for the paternal love that you brought to the boy Jesus, regards, we pray to you, with a benign eye, the dear inheritance that Jesus Christ acquired with his blood, and with your power and help you help our needs. Protect, or provident Guardian of the divine Family, the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ; remove from us, dearly beloved Father, the plague of errors and vices which is making the world soaked; assist us propitiously from heaven in this struggle with the power of darkness, O our very strong protector; and as you once saved the threatened life of the child Jesus from death, so now defend the holy Church of God from hostile pitfalls and from any adversity, and cover each of us with your continuous patronage, so that with your example and with your help we can virtuously live, piously die and attain eternal bliss. Amen.

Agimus tibi gratias (We thank you) Partial indulgence

We thank you for all your benefits, Almighty God, who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

Angele Dei (Angel of God) Partial indulgence.

Angel of God, who are my custodian, enlighten, guard, hold and protect me, who was entrusted to you by heavenly piety. Amen.

Angelus Domini (The Angel of the Lord) Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously recites the above prayers, according to the diversity of the time.
According to a laudable custom, the same prayers are usually recited in the morning, at noon and in the evening.

The Angel of the Lord brought the announcement to Mary
And she conceived by the work of the Holy Spirit.
Ave Maria…..
Here is the handmaid of the Lord.
May it be made of me according to your word.
Ave Maria……
And the Word became flesh.
And he lived among us.
Ave Maria…….
Pray for us, holy Mother of God.
So that we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let's pray. Deign, Lord, to infuse your grace into our souls, so that, as for the announcement of the Angel we have known the incarnation of Christ, your Son, so for his passion and cross, we come to the glory of the resurrection. For Christ our Lord. Amen.

During Easter time
Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia.
Because the one who was given to carry in your womb, hallelujah,
He is risen as he said, hallelujah.
Enjoy and rejoice, Virgin Mary, alleluia.
Because the Lord is truly risen, alleluia.
Let's pray. O God, who have deigned to rejoice the world with the resurrection of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we pray you, that by the merits of his Mother, the Virgin Mary, we can reach the joy of eternal life. For Christ our Lord. Amen.

Anima Christi (Soul of Christ) Partial indulgence.

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, comfort me.
O good Jesus, hear me.
Inside your wounds, hide me.
Don't let me separate you from you.
Defend me from the evil enemy.
At the hour of my death, call me.
And order me to come to you,
to praise you with your saints,
forever and ever. Amen.

Basilicarum Patriarchalium in Urbe visitatio (Visit of the Patriarchal Basilicas of Rome)
Plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously visit one of the four Patriarchal Basilicas of Rome and recite a Our Father and a Creed:
on the owner's party;
on any Sunday or other feast day;
once a year, on another day, to be chosen by the same faithful.

Benedictio Papalis (Papal Blessing)
Plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly receive, albeit only by radio, the Blessing imparted by the Supreme Pontiff "Urbi et Orbi". (At noon on Christmas and Easter and in the election of the Supreme Pontiff)

Coemeterii visitatio (Cemetery visit)
An indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly visit the cemetery and pray, even if only mentally, for the dead, applicable only to the souls of Purgatory. This will be plenary from 1 to 8 November, on other partial days.

Coemeterii veterum christianorum seu "catacumbae" visitatio (Visit of a Christian "catacomb")
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly visit a Christian catacomb.

Communionis spiritualis actus (Act of spiritual communion)
The act of spiritual communion, issued with any pious formula, is enriched with partial indulgence.

My Jesus, I believe that you are truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire you in my soul. Since I cannot receive you sacramentally now, at least spiritually come into my heart ... (short pause) As already come, I embrace you and I join you all; don't let me ever separate you from you.

Credo in Deum (I believe in God) Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously recites the aforementioned symbol of the Apostles or the Nicene Constantinopolitan symbol.

I believe in God, Almighty Father, creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; descended into hell; on the third day he rose from the dead; he went up to heaven, sits at the right hand of God the Almighty Father; thence he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the remission of sins, the resurrection of the flesh, eternal life. Amen.

Crucis adoratio (Adoration of the Cross)
Plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who, in the solemn liturgical action of Good Friday, participate in the adoration of the Cross and kiss it.

Defunctorum officium (Office of the deceased)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly recites the Lauds or Vespers of the Office of the Dead.

De Profundis
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously recites the psalm De profundis (Psalm 129).

From the depths to You I cry, O Lord; Sir, listen to my voice. Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my prayer. If you consider the faults, Lord, Lord, who will survive? But with you is forgiveness: therefore we will have your fear. I hope in the Lord, my soul hopes in your word. My soul awaits the Lord more than the sentinels the dawn. Israel awaits the Lord, because mercy is with the Lord and redemption is great with him. He will redeem Israel from all its faults.

Doctrina christiana (Christian doctrine)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who impart or receive the teaching of Christian doctrine.
He who, in a spirit of faith and charity, imparting the teaching of Christian doctrine, can obtain partial indulgence according to the general concession n.11. With this new concession, partial indulgence for the teacher is confirmed and extended to the disciple.

Domine, Deus omnipotens (Lord, Almighty God) Partial indulgence.

Lord, Almighty God, who have given us the grace to begin a new day, help us today with your power, so that on this day we do not commit any sin, but our thoughts, words and works always conform to your holy law . For Christ our Lord. Amen.

En ego, o bone et dulcissime Iesu (Here I am, my beloved and good Jesus) The faithful who piously recites, after communion, the aforementioned prayer before the image of Jesus Crucified, the plenary indulgence in the individual Fridays of Lent and of Passion; and partial indulgence on all other days of the year.

Here I am, my beloved and good Jesus, who in the most holy prostrate presence of yours, I beg you with the most lively fervor to print in my heart feelings of faith, hope, charity, pain of my sins and a proposal to no longer be offended; while I with all love and with all compassion go considering your five wounds, beginning with what the holy Prophet David said of you, O my Jesus, "They have pierced my hands and my feet; they counted all my bones "(Psalm 21, 1718).

Eucharisticus conventus (Eucharistic Congress)
Plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly participate in the solemn Eucharistic function, which is usually done at the conclusion of the Eucharistic Congress.

Exaudi nos (Hear our prayer) Partial indulgence.

Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God, listen to our prayer; send your holy Angel from heaven to guard, comfort, protect, visit and defend all the inhabitants of this house. For Christ our Lord. Amen.

Exercitia spiritualia (Spiritual Exercises)
Plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who participate in the spiritual exercises for at least three full days.

Iesu dulcissime (Jesus most sweet Act of reparation) Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously recites the aforementioned act of reparation. The indulgence will be plenary if the same act is publicly recited on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Very sweet Jesus, whose immense love for men is repaid with so much ingratitude of oblivion, neglect, contempt, here we prostrate before you, we intend to repair with particular attestations of honor such an unworthy coldness and insults with which to every part is wounded by men, your beloved Heart.
Mindful, however, that we, too, were stained with such unworthiness, and experiencing great pain, we implore first of all your mercy for us, ready to repair, with voluntary atonement, not only the sins committed by us, but also those of those who, erring far from the path of health, they refuse to follow you as a shepherd and guide, persisting in their infidelity, or, trampling on the promises of Baptism, have shaken the sweet yoke of your law.
And while we intend to atone for all the accumulation of so deplorable crimes, we propose to repair them each in particular: the immodesty and the ugliness of life and clothing, the many pitfalls tended by corruption to innocent souls, the desecration of public holidays, execrative insults thrown at you and your Saints, the insults launched against your Vicar and the priestly order, the negligence and the horrible sacrileges in order to desecrate the same sacrament of divine love, and finally the public guilt of the nations that oppose the rights and the magisterium of the Church you founded.
Oh, could we wash these affront with our blood!
In the meantime, as a reparation for the concealed divine honor, we present you with the atonements of the virgin your Mother, of all the saints and pious souls that satisfaction that you yourself one day offered on the cross to the Father and that every day you renew on the altars: promising with all my heart to want to repair, as far as it will be in us and with the help of your grace, the sins committed by us and by others and the indifference towards such great love, with the firmness of faith, the innocence of life , perfect observance of the law of the Gospel, especially of charity, and also to prevent the insults against you with all our strength, and to attract as many as we can to your following.
Accept, please, dear Jesus, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary Reparator, this voluntary respite of reparation, and keep us faithful in your obedience and in your service until death with the great gift of perseverance, through which we can all one day to reach that homeland, where you are with the Father and with the Holy Spirit live and reign God for all the centuries of the centuries. Amen.

Iesu dulcissime, Redemptor (O very sweet Jesus, or Redeemer Act of consecration of mankind to Christ the King) Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously recites the aforementioned act of consecration. The indulgence will be plenary if the same act is publicly recited on the feast of Christ the King.

O very sweet Jesus, or Redeemer of mankind, regards us humbly prostrate before you. We are yours, and we want to be yours; and to live more closely together, here each of us spontaneously consecrates yourselves to your most sacred Heart today.
Unfortunately many never knew you, despising your commandments, they repudiated you. O most kind Jesus, have mercy and one and the other and all of them draws to your most sacred Heart. O Lord, be the King not only of the faithful who never went away from you, but also of those prodigal children who abandoned you; make sure that they return to their father's house as soon as possible, so as not to die of poverty and hunger. Be the King of those who live in deception and error, or through discord separated from you; call them back to the port of truth, to the unity of faith, so that in short a single sheepfold can be made under one shepherd.
Extend, O Lord, safety and secure freedom to your Church, grant all peoples the tranquility of order; cause this one voice to sound from one end of the earth to the other: Praise be to that divine Heart, from whom our health came; glory and honor be sung to him forever and ever. Amen.

In articulo mortis (At the point of death)
To the faithful in danger of death, who cannot be assisted by a priest who administers the sacraments and gives him the apostolic blessing with the attached plenary indulgence, the holy Mother Church also grants plenary indulgence at the point of death, provided that it is duly disposed and has habitually recited some prayers during life. For the purchase of this indulgence the use of the crucifix or the cross is recommended.
The condition "provided that he habitually recited some prayers during his life" in this case makes up for the three usual conditions required for the purchase of the plenary indulgence.
This plenary indulgence at the point of death can be gained by the faithful who, on the same day, have already purchased another plenary indulgence.

Litaniae (Litany)
The individual Litanies are enriched with partial indulgence:
of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
of the blessed Virgin Mary
of St. Joseph and the Saints.

Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously recites the canticle Magnificat.

My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God, my savior, because he looked at the humility of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed. The Almighty has done great things for me and Holy is his name: from generation to generation his mercy extends to those who fear him. He explained the power of his arm, he dispersed the proud in the thoughts of their heart; he overthrew the mighty from the thrones, he raised the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things, has sent the rich away empty-handed. He rescued his servant Israel, remembering his mercy, as he had promised our fathers, Abraham and his descendants forever.

Glory to the Father and the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, and now and always over the centuries. Amen.

Maria, Mater gratiae (Mary, Mother of grace) Partial indulgence.

Mary, Mother of grace, Mother of mercy, protect me from the enemy and welcome me at the hour of death.

Memorare, or pious Virgo Maria (Remember, pious Virgin Mary) Partial indulgence.

Remember, most holy Virgin Mary, never to have heard in the world that anyone has resorted to your patronage, implored your help, asked for your protection and has been abandoned. Inspired by this confidence, I appeal to you, Mother, O Virgin of the Virgins, I come to you and, a contrite sinner, I bow down before you. Do not want, O Mother of the Word, to despise my prayers, but listen to me propitious and hear me. Amen.

Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, in a spirit of penance, recite the Psalm Miserere (Psalm 50)

Novendiales preces (Novenas)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly participate in the novena, made in public, in preparation for the feast of the Holy Christmas, Pentecost or the Immaculate Conception.

Obiectorum pietatis usus (Use of objects of piety)
The faithful who devoutly use an object of piety (crucifix or cross, crown, scapular, medal), blessed by any priest, can gain a partial indulgence.
If then this religious object is blessed by the Supreme Pontiff or by a Bishop, the faithful, who devoutly uses it, can also acquire the plenary indulgence on the feast of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, however adding the profession of faith with any legitimate formula.

Officia parva (Small Offices)
The individual little Offices are enriched with partial indulgence: the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception and Saint Joseph.

Oratio ad sacerdotales vel religiosas vocationes impetrandas (Prayer for impetrating priestly or religious vocations)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recite a prayer, approved for this purpose by the ecclesiastical authority.

Oratio mentalis (mental prayer or meditation)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devote themselves to mental prayer.

Oremus pro Pontifice (Prayer for the Pope) Partial indulgence.

Let us pray for our Holy Father, the Pope ……………… ..
May the Lord keep him, give him life and make him happy on earth. And don't let it fall into the hands of its enemies.

O sacrum convivium (O sacro convito) Partial indulgence.

O sacred banquet, in which Christ is our food, the memory of his passion is perpetuated, the soul is full of grace and we are given the pledge of future glory.

Praedicationis sacrae participatio (Assistance to sacred preaching)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who assist with pious attention to the sacred preaching of the word of God.
Plenary indulgence is then granted to the faithful who, after listening to some sermons of the sacred missions, also witness the solemn conclusion of the same.

First Communion (First Communion)
Plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who approach the Holy Communion for the first time or who attend the pious ceremony of the First Communion.

Prima Missa neosacerdotum (First Mass of the new priests)
Plenary indulgence is granted to the priest who celebrates the first Mass with a certain solemnity and to the faithful who devoutly attend the same Mass.

Pro unitate Ecclesiae oratio (Prayer for the unity of the Church) Partial indulgence.

O almighty and merciful God, who, through your Son, wanted to unite the different nations into one people, grant propitious that those who glory in the Christian name, having overcome all division, are one in truth and charity, and all men, enlightened by true faith, meet in fraternal communion in the one Church. For Christ our Lord. Amen.

Recollectio menstrua (Monthly retreat)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who participate in the monthly retreat.

Requiem aeternam (Eternal rest) Partial indulgence applicable only to the souls of Purgatory.

Eternal rest grant them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Rest in peace. Amen.

Retribuere dignare, Domine (Deign to reward, Lord) Partial indulgence.

Deign to reward, Lord, with eternal life all those who do us good for your sake. Amen.

Rosarii marialis recitatio (Recitation of the Marian Rosary)
Plenary indulgence is granted if the recitation of the Rosary takes place in a church or public oratory, or in the family, in a religious community, in a pious association; instead, partial indulgence is granted in other circumstances.
The Rosary is a practice of piety, in which the recitation of fifteen decades of "Ave, o Maria", interspersed with "Our Father", is joined respectively by the pious meditation of as many mysteries of our redemption (from the Rom. Pat.).
However, the third part of this is also called "Rosary".
For the plenary indulgence these rules are established:
The recitation of the third part of the Rosary is sufficient; but the five decades must be recited without interruption.
Pious meditation of mysteries must be added to vocal prayer.
In the public performance the mysteries must be enunciated according to the approved custom in force in the place; in the private recitation, on the other hand, it is sufficient that the faithful add the meditation of the mysteries to the vocal prayer.
At the Orientals, where this devotion is not in use, the Patriarchs will be able to establish other prayers to be recited in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary (such as the Akathistos hymn or the Paraclisis office for the Byzantines), who will enjoy the same indulgences of the Rosary.

Sacerdotalis Ordinationis celebrationes iubilares (Jubilee celebrations of priestly ordination)
Plenary indulgence is granted to the priest who on the 25th, 50th and 60th anniversary of his priestly ordination renews before God the purpose of faithfully fulfilling the obligations of his vocation.
If the priest celebrates the Jubilee Mass with a certain solemnity, the faithful who attend the aforementioned Mass acquire the plenary indulgence.

Sacrae Scripturae lectio (Reading of Holy Scripture)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who reads Sacred Scripture with the veneration due to the divine word and a way of spiritual reading. If the reading lasts for at least half an hour, the indulgence will be plenary.

Hello Queen Partial indulgence.

Hail, O Queen, mother of mercy; life, sweetness and our hope, hello. We turn to you, we exiled children of Eve; to you we sigh groaning and weeping in this valley of tears. Come on then, our advocate, turn those merciful eyes to us. And show us after this exile Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb. Or merciful, or pious, or sweet Virgin Mary.

Sancta Maria, succurre miseris (Santa Maria, help the poor) Partial indulgence.

Santa Maria, help the poor, help the weak, comfort the afflicted, pray for the people, intervene for the clergy, intercede for the pious women: let all those who honor you feel your protection.

Sancti Apostoli Petre et Paule (Holy Apostles Peter and Paul) Partial indulgence.

Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, intercede for us. Protect, O Lord, your people, and always defend those who trust in the patronage of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul. For Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sanctorum cultus (The cult of saints)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, on the feast of a saint, recite in his honor the relative prayer of the Missal or another approved by the legitimate Authority.

Signum crucis (The sign of the cross)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly make the sign of the cross, uttering the words according to custom: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Stationalium Ecclesiarum Urbis visitatio (Visit of the Stational Churches of Rome)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, on the days of the year designated in the Roman Missal, devoutly visit one of the Stational Churches of Rome; the indulgence will instead be plenary if he participates in the sacred functions that are performed there in the morning or in the evening.

Sub tuum praesidium (Under your protection) Partial indulgence.

Under your protection we come to take refuge, holy Mother of God; not wanting to reject the prayers that we address to you in need, but always free us from all dangers, glorious and blessed Virgin.

Synodus dioecesana (Diocesan Synod)
Once the plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who, during the time of the diocesan Synod, piously visits the church destined for the sessions and recites a Our Father and a Creed there.

Tantum ergo Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously recites the aforementioned stanzas. The indulgence will instead be plenary on Holy Thursday and on the feast of Corpus Domini, if such recitation is done solemnly.

We therefore worship prostrate
yes great Sacrament;
the ancient rites
give way to the new rite;
faith supply
to the insufficiency of the senses.
To the Father and the Son
praise and rejoice,
health, honor,
power and blessing;
and equal homage to both the Holy Spirit
that proceeds from both. Amen.
You gave them the bread that came down from heaven,
Which carries within itself every sweetness.
Let's pray. O God, who in this admirable Sacrament you left us with the memory of your Passion: grant us to adore the holy mystery of your Body and your Blood, so as to always feel in us the fruit of your redemption; You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

Te Deum
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recites the hymn Te Deum. The indulgence will instead be plenary if the hymn is publicly recited on the last day of the year.

Come, Creator
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly recites the hymn Veni, Creator. The indulgence will instead be plenary on the first day of the year and on the feast of Pentecost if the hymn is publicly recited.

Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Come, Holy Spirit) Partial indulgence.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and light the fire of your love in them.

Viae Crucis exercitium (Exercise of the Via Crucis)
Plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who performs the pious exercise of the Via Crucis.
The pious exercise of the Via Crucis renews the memory of the pains that the divine Redeemer suffered on the way from the Praetorium of Pilate, where he was sentenced to death, up to Mount Calvary, where he died on the cross for our salvation.
The following rules apply to the purchase of the plenary indulgence:
the pious exercise must be performed in front of the legitimately erected stations of the Via Crucis.
for the erection of the Via Crucis fourteen crosses are needed, to which usefully add as many pictures or images, representing the stations of Jerusalem.
according to the most common custom, the pious exercise consists of fourteen pious readings, to which are added some vocal prayers. However, for the completion of the pious exercise, only a meditation on the Passion and Death of the Lord is required, without having to make a particular consideration on the individual mysteries of the stations.
you need to move from one station to another. If the pious exercise is done publicly and the movement of all those present cannot be done in order, it is sufficient that at least those who direct the pious exercise go to the individual stations, while the others remain in their place.
the "impeded" (sick, etc.) will be able to acquire the same indulgence, dedicating at least half an hour to the pious reading and meditation of the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
among the Orientals, where the use of pious exercise does not exist, the Patriarchs will be able to establish, for the purchase of this indulgence, another pious exercise in memory of the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Visit, quaesumus Domine (Visit, please, Lord) Partial indulgence.

Visit, please, Lord, this house and drive away all the snares of the enemy. May your holy angels live there to keep us in peace, and may your blessing always be upon us. For Christ our Lord. Amen.

Visitatio ecclesiae paroecialis (Visit to the parish church)
Plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously visits the parish church:
on the owner's party;
the day 2 August, in which the indulgence of the "Porziuncola" occurs.
Both indulgences can be purchased either on the day indicated above, or on another day to be established by the Ordinary according to the usefulness of the faithful.
The cathedral church and possibly the co-cathedral church, even if they are not parochial, and moreover the parochial churches, enjoy the same indulgences.
In the pious visit, in accordance with Rule 16 of the Apostolic Constitution, the faithful must recite a Our Father and a Creed.

Visitatio ecclesiae vel altaris die consecrationis (Visit of a church or altar on the day of consecration)
Plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously visits a church or an altar on the day of their consecration and recites a Our Father and a Creed.

Visitatioo ecclesiae vel oratorii in Commemoratione omnium fidelium defunctorum (Visit of a church or an oratory in the Commemoration of all the faithful departed)
Plenary indulgence is granted, applicable only to the souls of Purgatory, to the faithful who, on the day on which the Commemoration of all the deceased faithful is celebrated, piously visit a church or public oratory, or semi-public for those who legitimately use it.
The aforementioned indulgence can be purchased on the day established above or, with the consent of the Ordinary, on the preceding or following Sunday, or on the feast of All Saints.
In the pious visit, in accordance with Rule 16 of the Apostolic Constitution, the faithful must recite a Our Father and a Creed.

Visitatio ecclesiae vel oratorii Religiosorum die festo Sancti Fundatoris (Visit of a church or an oratory of the Religious on the feast of the Holy Founder)
The plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously visits a church or an oratory of the Religious on the feast of their Holy Founder and recites a Our Father and a Creed.

Visitatio pastoralis (Pastoral visit)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously visits a church or a public or semi-public oratory, while the pastoral visit takes place, and plenary indulgence is granted once to those who, during the pastoral visit, attend a presided function by the Visitor.

Votorum baptismalium renovatio (Renewal of baptismal vows)
Partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who renews baptismal vows with any formula; the indulgence will instead be plenary if the renewal is made in the celebration of the Easter Vigil or on the anniversary of one's baptism.


January 1 and on the solemnity of Pentecost: Veni Creator if publicly recited

Lent: Here I am, my beloved and good Jesus. If recited with faith before the Crucifix on Fridays of Lent.

Holy Thursday: Tantum Ergo We adore the Sacrament. If recited with faith after the Holy Mass of the Lord's Supper.

Good Friday: In the liturgical action of the Adoration of the Cross Good Friday.

Easter of Resurrection: Renewal of baptismal promises during the Easter Vigil or even papal blessing Urbi et Orbi. Also received via radio or TV

Sunday of Divine Mercy. Pious practices in honor of Divine Mercy or at least recite a Our Father and Creed in the presence of the SS. Sacrament with the addition of a pious invocation to Merciful Jesus (for example: Merciful Jesus I trust in You.)

Pentecost: Veni Creator. If publicly recited on the solemnity of Pentecost.

Corpus Christi Solemnity: Tantum Ergo We adore the Sacrament. If recited piously in the liturgical action of the solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord.

Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: very sweet Jesus Act of reparation. If publicly recited on the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

June 29: Use of objects of piety blessed by a bishop or by the Supreme Pontiff.

August 2: Forgiveness of Assisi

November 2: Visit of a church. The day of all the faithful departed. Indulgence applicable only to the deceased.

November 18: Visit to the Cemetery. Indulgence is applicable only to the souls of Purgatory.

Solemnity of Christ the King: O very sweet Jesus the redeemer of mankind Act is consecration of mankind to Christ the King. If it is publicly recited on the solemnity of Christ the King.

December 25: Papal blessing Urbi et Orbi. It is also obtained via Radio, TV.

December 31: Te Deum. If the anthem is publicly recited on the last day of the year.