Pills of Faith February 16 "Our Shepherd gives himself in food"

"Who can tell the wonders of the Lord, make all his praise resound?" (Ps 106,2) What shepherd has ever fed his sheep with his own body? Even mothers themselves often nurse their newborn children. Jesus, on the other hand, cannot accept this for his sheep; he nourishes us with his own blood, and thus makes us become one body with him.

Consider, brothers, that Christ was born of our human substance. But, you will say, what does it matter? This does not apply to all men. Sorry, brother, it really is a great advantage to all of them. If he became man, if he came to take our human nature, this concerns the salvation of all men. And if he came for everyone, he also came for each of us. You may say: Why then have all men not received the fruit that they should have obtained from this coming? It is certainly not the fault of Jesus, who chose this means for the salvation of all. The fault lies with those who reject this good. In fact, in the Eucharist, Jesus Christ is united with each of his faithful. He makes them reborn, he feeds them on himself, he doesn't abandon them to someone else and thus, he convinces them, once again, that he has really taken our flesh.