Pills of Faith February 17 "Blessed are you poor, for the Kingdom of God is yours"

This joy of dwelling in the love of God begins from down here. It is that of the Kingdom of God. But it is agreed on a steep path that requires total trust in the Father and the Son, and a preference given to the Kingdom. First of all, the message of Jesus promises joy, this demanding joy; does it not open through the beatitudes? “Blessed are you poor, because yours is the Kingdom of God. Blessed are you who are now hungry, because you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who cry now, because you will laugh. "

Mysteriously, Christ himself, to eradicate the sin of presumption from the heart of man and manifest an integral and filial obedience to the Father, accepts to die at the hands of the wicked, to die on a cross. But ... from now on, Jesus is forever living in the glory of the Father, and that is why the disciples were established in an unquenchable joy in seeing the Lord, on Easter evening (Lk 24, 41).

It follows that, here below, the joy of the Kingdom brought to fruition can only come from the joint celebration of the death and resurrection of the Lord. It is the paradox of the Christian condition, which singularly illuminates that of the human condition: neither trial nor suffering are eliminated from this world, but they acquire a new meaning in the certainty of participating in the redemption wrought by the Lord, and of sharing his glory. For this reason the Christian, subjected to the difficulties of common existence, is not however reduced to looking for his way as groping, nor to seeing death in the end of his hopes. As the prophet announced it: “The people who walked in darkness saw a great light; a light shone on those who lived in a dark land. You multiplied the joy, you increased the gladness "(Is 9, 1-2).