Pills of Faith February 18 "Jesus sighed and said, 'Why is this generation asking for a sign?'"

The Creator of the world, the Father, whose art is unparalleled, has molded a living statue by himself: the man who is us; while idols are only the stupid work of human hands. The image of God is his Logos, his Word ..., and the image of the Logos is the true man, the spirit that is in man, of which it is said, for this reason that it was made "in the image of God and his likeness ”(Gen 1, 26), compared to the divine Word because of the intelligence of his spirit.

Receive therefore the spiritual water, you who are still in sins, purify yourselves, sprinkling the water of truth; you need to be pure to go up to heaven. You are man, what exists most universal; therefore seek your Creator. You are son, what exists most personal; recognize your Father. But if you persist in your sin, to whom will the Lord say: "The Kingdom of heaven is yours" (Mt 5, 3)? It is yours, if you want it, if you only want to believe, if you want to obey the message like the inhabitants of Nìnive. For having listened to the prophet Jonah, they obtained with their sincere repentance the happiness of salvation, instead of the ruin from which they were threatened.

How to climb to heaven, you ask? The way is the Lord (Jn 14:16); narrow way (Mt 17, 13), which comes from heaven; narrow path leading to heaven; narrow way despised on earth, wide way adored in heaven. For those who have not heard of the Word, there is in his ignorance the reason why his error is forgiven; instead the one whose ears have heard the message, and has not listened to his heart, is responsible for a deliberate disobedience. The more conscious he is, the more his knowledge will harm him; for, by nature, as a man born to contemplate heaven, he was made out of familiarity with God.