Pills of Faith January 23 "we have been reconciled to God"

"If in fact, when we were enemies, we were reconciled with God through the death of his Son, much more now ..., we will be saved through his life" (Rom 5,10:XNUMX)
The greatest proof of the reliability of the love of Christ is found in his death for man. If giving one's life for friends is the greatest proof of love (cf. Jn 15,13:19,37), Jesus offered his for everyone, even for those who were enemies, to transform the heart. This is why the evangelists located the climax of the gaze of faith in the hour of the Cross, because in that hour the height and breadth of divine love shines. St. John will place his solemn testimony here when, together with the Mother of Jesus, he contemplated the One they transfixed (cf. Jn 19,35:XNUMX): “Whoever has seen bears witness to it and his testimony is true; he knows he is telling the truth, so that you too may believe "(Jn XNUMX:XNUMX) ...

It is precisely in the contemplation of the death of Jesus that faith is strengthened and receives a blazing light, when it reveals itself as faith in his unwavering love for us, that he is able to enter death to save us. In this love, which has not escaped death to manifest how much it loves me, it is possible to believe; its totality overcomes all suspicions and allows us to entrust ourselves fully to Christ.

Now, Christ's death reveals the total reliability of God's love in the light of his Resurrection. As risen, Christ is a reliable witness, worthy of faith (cf. Rev 1,5; Heb 2,17:XNUMX), solid support for our faith.