Pills of Faith January 27 "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled"

Dissect first in the Old Testament, in order to be able to drink from the New. If you don't drink the first, you won't be able to drink the second. Drink to the first to relieve your thirst, drink to the second to completely quench your thirst ... Drink both chalice, that of the Old and the New Testament, because in both you drink Christ. Drink Christ who is the vine (Jn 15,1: 1), drink Christ who is the stone from which the water flowed (10,3 Cor 36,10: 46,5). Drink Christ who is the source of life (Ps 7,38); drink Christ because he is "the river that gladdens the city of God" (Ps 8,3); he is peace and "rivers of living water will flow from his bosom" (Jn 4,4:XNUMX). Drink Christ to quench your thirst with the blood from which you were redeemed; drink Christ, drink his word: his word is the Old and New Testaments. Sacred Scripture is drunk, indeed eaten, then the sap of the eternal Word flows into the soul and gives it strength: "Man will not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Dt XNUMX , XNUMX; Mt XNUMX). Drink this word, but drink it in the order in which it proceeds: first in the Old Testament, then in the New.

In fact, he says, almost with concern: “People who walk in darkness, see this great light; a light shines on you who live in the dark earth "(Is 9,2 LXX). Drink immediately therefore, so that a great light shines on you: not the common light, that of the day, the sun or the moon, but the light that dissipates the shadow of death.