Pills of Faith December 28 "The innocent saints, companions of the Lamb"

We do not know where the divine Child wants to lead us on this earth, and we must not ask him before it is time. Our certainty is this: "Everything contributes to the good of those who love God" (Rom 8,28:XNUMX) and, moreover, that the paths traced by the Lord lead beyond this earth. By taking on a body, the Creator of mankind offers us his divinity. God became man so that men could become children of God. "O wonderful exchange!" (Christmas liturgy).

Being children of God means letting oneself be led by the hand of God, doing the will of God and not one's own will, placing all our worries and all our hope in the hand of God, no longer worrying about ourselves or our future. On this basis rests the freedom and joy of the son of God ...

God became man so that we could participate in his life ... The human nature that Christ has assumed has made his suffering and death possible ... Every man must suffer and die; and yet, if he is a living member of the body of Christ, his suffering and his death receive a redemptive force through the divinity of the head of it ... On the night of sin the star of Bethlehem shines. And on the luminous light that flows from the crib, the shadow of the cross descends. The light is turned off in the darkness of Good Friday, but a sun of grace rises, brighter still, in the morning of the resurrection. From the cross and from suffering passes the way of the Son of God made flesh, up to the glory of the resurrection. To reach the glory of the resurrection together with the Son of man, for each of us, and for the whole of humanity, the road passes through suffering and death.

Come, Lord Jesus.

O Word annihilated in the Incarnation, more annihilated still in the Eucharist,

we adore you under the veils that hide your divinity

and your humanity in adorable Sacramento.

In this state therefore your love has reduced you!

Perpetual sacrifice, victim continuously immolated for us,

Host of praise, thanksgiving, propitiation!

Jesus our mediator, faithful companion, sweet friend,

charitable doctor, tender comforter, live bread from heaven,

food of souls. You are everything for your children!

To a lot of love, however, many correspond only with blasphemy

and with the profanations; many with indifference and lukewarmness,

very few with gratitude and love.

Forgive, O Jesus, for those who insult you!

Forgiveness for the multitude of indifferent and ungrateful!

They also forgive for inconstancy, imperfection,

the weakness of those who love you!

Like their love, though languid, and light it more every day;

enlighten the souls who do not know you and soften the hardness of hearts

who resist you. Make yourselves loved on earth, O hidden God;

let yourselves be seen and possessed in Heaven! Amen.