Pills of Faith January 7 "The people immersed in darkness have seen a great light"

Beloved, taught by these mysteries of divine grace, we celebrate the day of our firstfruits and the beginning of the vocation of the people with spiritual joy. We give thanks to the merciful God, as the Apostle says, "thanking the Father with joy who enabled us to participate in the fate of the saints in the light. Indeed, it is he who has freed us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son "(Col 1,12-13). And Isaiah had already prophesied: “The people who walked in darkness saw a great light; on those who lived in a dark earth a light shone ”(Is 9,1)….

Abraham saw this day and enjoyed it; and when he understood that the children of his faith would be blessed in his lineage, which is Christ, and when he saw that in faith he would be father of all peoples, "he gave glory to God, knowing full well that whatever God promises, it also has the power to bring it to fruition "(Jn 8,56; Gal 3,16:4,18; Rom 21: 86,9-98,2). David hymned in the psalms to this day, saying: "All the peoples you have created will come and prostrate themselves before you, O Lord, to give glory to your name" (Ps XNUMX: XNUMX); and again: "The Lord has manifested his salvation, in the eyes of the peoples he has revealed his justice" (Ps XNUMX).

Now we know that this has happened since the star led the Magi, pushing them from distant regions, to know and adore the King of heaven and earth. And certainly we too, with this characteristic service of the star, are exhorted to lend adoration, so that we too obey this grace which everyone invites to Christ. Anyone in the Church who lives with pity and chastity, anyone who tastes heavenly and not earthly things (Col 3,2), is like a heavenly light: while he retains the candor of holy life, almost star, he shows many the way that leads to the Sir. Beloved ones, you must all give each other mutual help…, so that you may shine, as children of light, in the kingdom of God (Mt 13,13; Eph 5,8).