Pills of Faith February 9 "He was moved by them"

If David defines God as righteous and upright, the Son of God has revealed to us that he is good and affectionate ... Far be it from us the unjust thought that God does not sympathize ... How admirable is the compassion of God! How wonderful is the grace of God our Creator, what power that reaches everything! What infinite goodness with which our nature as sinners invests to recreate it. Who can tell his glory? He raises those who offended him and cursed, renews the soulless dust ..., and makes our lost spirit and our lost senses a nature endowed with reason and capable of thinking. The sinner is unable to understand the grace of his resurrection ... What is hell before the resurrection grace, when he will lift us out of damnation and give this corruptible body to clothe incorruptibility? (1Co 15,53) ...

You who have discernment, come and admire. Who, endowed with a wise and wonderful intelligence, will admire how the grace of our Creator deserves it? This grace is the reward of sinners. For instead of what they rightly deserve, he gives them the resurrection in return. Instead of bodies that have profaned his Law, he clothes them with the glory of incorruptibility. This grace - the resurrection given to us after sin - is greater than the first, when it created us, from nonexistence. Glory to your immeasurable grace, Lord! All I can do is keep silent before the abundance of your grace. I am unable to tell you the gratitude I owe you.