Powerful chaplet to Jesus the Eucharist who heals, sanctifies, frees….

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O God, come save me.
O Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father


Invocations to the Holy Spirit:

Come, Holy Spirit, send us a ray of your light from heaven.

Come, father of the poor, come, giver of gifts, come, light of hearts.

Perfect comforter; sweet guest of the soul, sweet relief.

In fatigue, rest, in the heat, shelter, in tears, comfort,

O most blessed light, invade the hearts of your faithful inwardly.

Without your strength, nothing is in man, nothing without fault.

Wash what is sordid, wet what is arid, heal what is bleeding.

It folds up what is rigid, warms up what is cold, straightens out what is misled.

Give your holy gifts to your faithful, who only trust you.

Give virtue and reward, give holy death, give eternal joy. Amen.

O Jesus, King of the nations and of the centuries, accept the Adoration and praise that we, your brothers of adoration, humbly pay you. You are "the living Bread that came down from heaven, which gives life to the world"; High Priest and victim, you sacrificed yourself on the Cross in sacrifice of atonement to the Eternal Father for the redemption of mankind, and now you offer yourself daily on our altars, in order to establish in your heart your "Kingdom of truth and life , of holiness and grace, of justice, of love and of peace ". O "King of glory", therefore, may your Kingdom come.

Our father
Ave Maria
Glory to the Father

O Jesus, living Bread descended from heaven that you give life to the world, reigns from your "throne of grace" in the hearts of children, so that they may keep the lily of baptismal innocence immaculate. Reign in the hearts of young people, so that they grow healthy and pure, docile to the voice of those who represent you in the family, in school, in the Church. Reign in the homes of families, so that parents and children live in harmony in the observance of your holy law.

Our father
Ave Maria
Glory to the Father

O divine Bread, descended from heaven, to give life to the world. O lovable shepherd of our souls, from your throne of glory, revive families and peoples with your grace. Arrange for your children to remain close to you in the firmness of faith, in the certainty of hope, in the ardor of charity. From the altar, where you constantly renew your sacrifice, always be for everyone the Master, the Comforter, the Savior. He who gives the nourishment he preserves from corruption and death.

Our father
Ave Maria
Glory to the Father

O living Bread that came down from heaven to give life to the world. We recommend the sick, the poor, the destitute and those who ask for bread and work; we pray for families, that they may be fruitful centers of Christian life; let us introduce you to the young people so that, protected from dangers, they prepare themselves seriously and joyfully for the duties of life; we pray for priests, seminarians, consecrated souls, for educators and workers. Above all descend the abundance of your grace.

Our father
Ave Maria
Glory to the Father

O Eucharistic Jesus, make all peoples serve you freely, aware that "to serve God is to reign". May your Sacrament, or Jesus, be light to minds, strength to will, attraction of hearts. May it be support for the weak, comfort for the suffering, viaticum of salvation for the dying; and to all "a pledge of future glory".

Our father
Ave Maria
Glory to the Father

O Lord Jesus, Sacrament of the unity of the Church, continue to give us this daily bread which is your Body itself, this wine which is your precious Blood, confirming our unity. We beg you for our Pontiff and for all those who belong to the ecclesiastical order: keep them in perfect fidelity of mind and heart. To your Church, O Lord, graciously grant the gifts of unity and peace, mystically overshadowed in our oblation. So the Lord hear us and bless us.

Our father
Ave Maria
Glory to the Father

O Jesus, true bread, the one and only substantial food of souls, gather all the peoples around your table: it is divine reality on earth, and a guarantee of heavenly benevolences. Nourished by You and You, O Jesus, men will be strong in faith, joyful in hope, active in charity. The wills will be able to overcome the pitfalls of evil, the temptations of selfishness, the tiredness of laziness. In the eyes of righteous and fearful men, the vision of the land of the living will appear, of which the militant Church wants to be the image.

Our father
Ave Maria
Glory to the Father

O Jesus, watch us from your sacrament. To you, food of souls, your people flock. Firstborn brother of the redeemed man, You have preceded the steps of each man, you have forgiven the sins of each, you have raised everyone to a more noble, more convinced, more industrious testimony of life. We pray you, Jesus: You feed, defend and show us the good on the land of the living.

Our father
Ave Maria
Glory to the Father

O Lord Jesus, continue to give us your own Body. We beg you for the return of the heeled sheep to the unity of the sheepfold; for those who are misled and wandering in the darkness of error, to be led to the light of the Gospel. We beg you, Lord, also for the unity of the children of God, for the peace of individual nations, for the whole universe, of which you are the Savior and giver of freedom. Listen to us, Lord and give us your blessing.

Our father
Ave Maria
Glory to the Father

We pray: Lord Jesus Christ, that in the admirable sacrament of the Eucharist you left us the memorial of your Easter, let us adore with holy faith the holy mystery of your Body and your Blood, to feel in us the benefits of the Redemption. You are God, and live and reign with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.