A powerful prayer to ask the Holy Souls of Purgatory for help


Holy souls of Purgatory, we remember you to lighten your purification with our suffrages; you remember us to help us, because it is true that you cannot do anything for yourself, but for others you can do a lot. Your prayers are very powerful and soon come to the throne of God. Obtain our deliverance from all misfortunes, miseries, diseases, anxieties and travails. Get us peace of mind, assist us in all actions, help us promptly in our spiritual and temporal needs, console us and defend us in danger. Pray for the Holy Father, for the glorification of the Holy Church, for the peace of nations, for Christian principles to be loved and respected by all peoples and make sure that one day we can come with you in Peace and in the Joy of Paradise. Three Glory to the Father, Three Eternal rest.