Powerful 3 day prayer to the Holy Spirit

Pray this prayer every day for 3 consecutive days, your prayer will be answered after the third day. In making your request, you promise to recite it for others as the Holy Spirit is always available and it is enough to truly want his help. That's why often and I want to clarify

to avoid superficial requests since we do not really desire them within us, we believe they are vital, but in reality in the most hidden part of our heart we know how venial they are. So make sure before making a request because if it is felt, if it is true, if it is really urgent, but I mean really, then the love of the Holy Spirit will descend on our cause. Here is what is a beautiful prayer for me: O Holy Spirit You who show me everything and showed me the way to reach my needs, You who gave me the divine gift of forgiving all the evil that has been done to me , and You who are in all the events in my life. I want to thank you for everything and once again confirm my love and my will to receive you in my life and I never want to think of being separated from you again. It doesn't matter how big the material desire can be. I want to be with tr and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. Amen (Make your request). TESTIMONY: A faithful who follows us wanted to share his experience, so let's listen to it well, even if it may seem a non-fundamental inquiry, it fully reflects what was said before, on strongly believing, on being convinced of the importance of one's request to the Spirit Saint: I was looking for a job after 2 years of absolute failures in being able to find one. No phone calls, nothing. Finally, in February of this year, I came across this prayer. I prayed and in 3 days, I had an interview. However, I didn't have the job. I was sad and confused and didn't understand. But I regained my strength and continued to pray and put my faith in God. You would believe that 3 months after the day of the interview, I got a new job. My dream job, everything I asked the Lord for my life in my prayers.