Powerful prayer of liberation for himself and for a person

A common rosary crown is used

It begins with the recitation of the Apostles.
Practical example: I say the Rosary of Liberation for me.

On the grain of the Our Father I say: "If Jesus makes me free, I will be truly free".

On the grains of the Ave Maria I say:
Jesus, have mercy on me! Jesus, heal me! Jesus, save me! Jesus, set me free!

It ends with the Salve Regina

Then at the end add this prayer:
O Lord you are great, you are God, you are Father, we pray to you for the intercession and with the help of the archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, so that our brothers and sisters may be freed from the evil one.

From anguish, from sadness, from obsessions. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord.
From hatred, from fornication, from envy. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord.
From the thoughts of jealousy, anger, death. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord.
From every thought of suicide and abortion. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord.
From all forms of bad sexuality. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord.
From the family division, from any bad friendship. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord.
From any form of evil, invoice, witchcraft and any hidden evil. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord.

Let's pray:
O Lord, you said: "I leave you peace, I give you my peace", through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, grant us to be freed from any curse and to always enjoy your peace. For Christ our Lord. Amen.