Powerful plea to Saint Anthony to ask for a grace

Glorious Saint Anthony, casket of the Holy Scriptures, you who with your gaze always fixed on the mystery of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit have shaped your life in praise of the perfect Trinity and simple unity, listen to my plea, grant my wishes. I turn to you, certain that I will find listening and understanding; I turn to you that by immersing your heart in Sacred Scripture you studied it, assimilated it, lived it and made it your breath, your sigh, your word: make it possible for me to help you understand its importance, perceive its absoluteness, savor it beauty, tasting its depth. Make it possible to taste the Gospel of that Jesus whom you loved so much; let me live in my life of that mystery that you celebrated; make it possible for me to announce to all the good news that you have proclaimed to people and animals. Make my footsteps strong, the roads brave, the choices decided, the tests prudent.

Our Father - Ave Maria - Glory to the Father