Hymn to the Holy Trinity

Hail or eternal ruler, living God, who exists from eternity! Terrible and just Judge, always good and merciful Father! May you be made new and eternal supplication, praise, honor and glory, through your Daughter clothed in the sun, our admirable Mother! Amen.

"You great Mediator of graces, -" Pray for us "!

Hail, O Man - immolated God, bleeding Lamb, King of peace, Tree of life, you our Head, gateway to the Father's Heart, eternal Son of the living God, who reigns forever with Him who is! May power be given to you, now and for centuries, and glory and greatness, and adoration and reparation and praise, by means of your immaculate Parent, our admirable Mother! Amen.

"You, faithful Mediator of graces, -" Pray for us! "

Hail, O Spirit of the Eternal, inexhaustible source of holiness, operating in God from eternity! Torrent of fire from the Father to the Son, impetuous hurricane, which breathes strength, light and fire into the members of the mystical Body! You eternal fire of love, Spirit of God who works in the living, You red torrent of fire that flows eternally alive in mortals, glory, power and beauty is given to You now and in all eternity by means of Your Bride crowned with stars, our admirable Mother! Amen.

"You, Mediatrix of all graces:" Pray for us ".

(This hymn was sung on June 25, 1946 in Merienfried by a large angelic host during the apparition of the Madonna.)

O blessed Trinity (from the liturgy)

O blessed Trinity, light, wisdom, love, dress of your splendor on the day that declines.
We praise you in the morning, we implore you in vespers, we will sing you unanimously on the day that does not die.

Ocean of peace, the Church consecrates her perennial praise to you.
Father of immense glory, Word of eternal light, Spirit of wisdom and perfect charity.
Unquenchable Rovéto of truth and love; revive in us the joy of fraternal agape.
O beginning and source of immortal life, reveal your face to us in the glory of heaven. Amen.

Holy Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore you deeply and offer you the Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the insults that offend you.

For the infinite merits of His Most Holy Heart and for the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, please grant me the sincere conversion of the heart.

O Most Holy Trinity

O most holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we adore you with a humble and confident voice.

Deign to look kindly on these your children who carry within themselves your divine image.

Our thought is lost in your immensity, to which you abandon yourself with an impulse of love.

Come into us and make us become your heaven and the temple of your presence!

You are our only good, therefore we want our life to be continually extended towards you waiting to unite us forever in the eternity of love and joy. Amen.