Prayer in the silence of the soul is a moment of inner peace and with it we welcome the grace of God.

Father Livio Franzaga is an Italian Catholic priest, born on 10 August 1936 in Cividate Camuno, in the province of Brescia. In 1983, Father Livio founded Radio Maria Italia, a Catholic radio station that broadcasts throughout Italy and which has had great success. He has also written several books, in which he addresses topics such as faith, prayer and Christian life. Today we take inspiration from these books to talk to you about prayer one of the most profound exhortations that Our Lady gave us in Medjugorje was carried out in the silence of the soul.

hands clasped

This type of prayer invites us to leave the world and enter the divine, putting aside the daily worries and conditioning that distress us. In the silence of the soul, we are able to listen to the voice of God that speaks through our conscience.

Prayer in the silence of the soul, because it is important

Prayer in the silence of the soul is a moment of communication between the individual and the divinity in which no external words or gestures are necessary, but a relationship is established connection direct and profound with the divine.

In silence we try to turn off the noise and the confusion of the mind to open an internal space of calm and tranquility that allows you to come into contact with the sacred. This inner silence is a moment of listening and welcoming the divine energy, in which we open ourselves to the presence and all'love of the divine without the need to speak or express oneself with words.


During this moment of deep reflection you can meditate, focus on breathing or simply let thoughts dissolve to be present to divinity. In this state of silence and intimacy with the divine, one can express one's own thoughts concerns, wishes, thanks or simply share your love and gratitude.

It is a moment of trust and openness, in which one welcomes what the divine has to offer and recognizes one's dependence and interconnection with it. It also feeds the own spirituality and we open ourselves to the divine presence in our lives. It's a moment of inner peace, in which control is abandoned and the grace of the divine is welcomed.