Prayer to the Holy Trinity

La Holy Trinity it is one of the central aspects of the Christian faith. God is believed to exist in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three people are one God, eternal, omnipotent and omniscient.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit

The Father is considered the Creator of all things. He founded the world and reigns over it with wisdom and justice. In the New Testament, Jesus often addressed God as his Father. He adored him and submitted to him in everything.

Il Son, Jesus Christ is the second person of the Holy Trinity. He is considered God made flesh, incarnated to come to earth and redeem humanity from sin. Through his virgin birth, his perfect life, his death on the cross and his resurrection, Jesus offered salvation and forgiveness to all those who believe in him.

Lo Holy Spirit he is the third person of the trinity and is considered theGod's agent on earth, the comforter and guide of God's people. The Holy Spirit is sent to individuals who believe in Jesus, to help them understand the truth and to live a life according to the will of God.


The relationship between these three persons of the Holy Trinity is described as a perfect love bond and indivisible. They love each other completely and support each other. There is no jealousy or rivalry between them, just perfect unity.

Prayer “Help me to be faithful”

During the day Lord, you have set us on the path by which we must follow you, Again, You have set your eyes on us, again you have called us. Let us be faithful to your call and that we do not give in to the proposals of the world which often offers other messages, different from those of the Gospel.

Grant the youth of today the ability to follow you. Grant us the strength to be faithful to the end, with the faithfulness that will save our souls. Amen